Does the law provide any type of limitation quotas pertaining to hunting/fishing (SUBSISTENCE, COMMERCIAL, SPORT, SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, OTHERS)?
2 answers
28(2); A Fisheries Managament plan shall- […] (d) determine fishing quotas, the amount of fish which may be harvested and the number of fishing licenses which may be issued in respect of the fishery, in any fishing season.
Quota ” means the number of game animals allocated for harvesting in order to attain wildlife conservation goals;
33(2)(b); the community resource board manage the wildlife under its jurisdiction within quotas specified by the Department;
48. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Committee may, upon application by a hunting outfitter in the prescribed manner and form and upon payment of the prescribed fee, grant the hunting outfitter a hunting concession. (2) A hunting concession shall authorise a hunting outfitter to — (a) hunt within a Game Management Area or part of a Game Management Area on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed; and (b) sell a hunting quota to any person to hunting in the concession area.
60. (1) For the purpose of—
(a) computing the numbers of game animals or protected animals authorised to be hunted under a hunting licence; (b) computing the numbers of game animals or protected animals permitted to be hunted or captured in a National Park,Community Partnership Park, Game Management Area or open area under a hunting licence granted under section forty or a capture permit granted under section forty-three;
If so, does the law require that quotas need to be aligned with current wildlife management plans?
1 answer
28(2); A Fisheries Managament plan shall- […] (d) determine fishing quotas, the amount of fish which may be harvested and the number of fishing licenses which may be issued in respect of the fishery, in any fishing season.
Does the law require that quotas shall be aligned with game ranched releasing programs?
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Does the law provide for any game ranched releasing programmes?
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If so, does the law provide for these quota to be set at local level according to a participatory procedure?
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If so, does the law provides specifically for the participation of women and marginalised/vulnerable groups in the determination of hunting/fishing quota?
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Does the law providing for the quota-setting link it with the monitoring system?
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Does the law provide for an adaptive, science-based process to be used when establishing quotas applicable to each relevant activity: subsistence, commercial, sport hunting/fishing?
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Does the law provides for a precautionary approach in quota setting when available scientific information is incomplete or out of date?
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Does the law provide for geographic limitations upon hunting/fishing?
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Does the law empower local stakeholders and subsistence hunters to contribute to wildlife quantitative and qualitative assessments?
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Does the law provide for local knowledge to be incorporated in the assessment and determination of harvest levels for hunting/harvest quotas?
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Does the law provide for women and marginalised/vulnerable groups to contribute through their knowledge to wildlife quantitative and qualitative assessment? How?
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Does the law provide for a tagging system requiring that:
- validated tags cannot be reused;
- a validated tag remains with the meat until consumed;
- in case of game harvested for its skin, the tag must remain attached to the hide of the game until it is tanned;
- shippers of wildlife (or parts thereof) must label all packages offered for shipment?
0 answer
Which kind of sanctions are imposed in case of offences (criminal, administrative) related to the hunting/fishing quotas/limitations?
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