Zambia / Consumption use
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14(1); The Minister may, by statutory notice in the Gazette, impose any of the following measures: (a) closed seasons for designated areas, species of fish or methods of fishing […].
39 (3) The Minister may, by statutory instrument, in consultation with the (Licence) Committee, prescribe e) the time or times of the year during which any specified species, variety or sex of game animal or protected animal may be hunted or captured pursuant to the licence or permit;
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73. (1) Except with the written permission of the (Licence) Committee, a person commits an offence who, during the hours of darkness — (a) hunts a wild animal; or (b) for the purpose of or in connection with hunting, or assisting in hunting a wild animal, uses any torch, flare, headlamp or any other artificial light. (2) For the purpose of this section, “hours of darkness” means the period between one half-hour after sunset and one half-hour before sunrise
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14(1); The Minister may, by statutory notice in the Gazette, impose any of the following measures: (a) closed seasons for designated areas, species of fish or methods of fishing […]. (3) A person who contravenes provisions of a notice issued under this section commits an offense and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years, ot to both.
138. (1) The court may, where a person is convicted of an offence, in addition to any other penalty provided for in this Act— (a) order the cancellation and surrender of the licence, permit, certificate or authorisation held by that person; (b) assess the amount of compensation for the loss or damage caused by that person in the commission of the offence and cause the compensation to be recovered from that person as if it were a debt due and payable to the Government; (c) order the removal or demolition, within such time as the court may determine, of any unauthorised buildings, structures, machinery, equipment, crops and other works set up or grown by that person, and the restoration, as far as practicable, of all areas and things to their former state, and if the removal, demolition and restoration is not effected within the time fixed by the court, the Director shall cause it to be done and the cost incurred shall be recovered by the Director from the convicted person; or (d) order the confiscation or forfeiture of any wildlife, object, item or article in respect of which the offence was committed and of any livestock, tools, machinery, equipment, vehicles or other property used in the commission of the offence. (2) The Director may sell or otherwise dispose of any property confiscated or forfeited under subsection (1) and handed over to the Director by order of the court, and any moneys received from the sale or disposal of the property shall be paid into the general revenues of the Republic