Zambia / Consumption use
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2: "Game animal ” means a wild animal ferae naturae that is not necessarily threatened or endangered but requires control in order to prevent consumptive uses inimical to its survival and is so specified by regulations issued under section thirty-six
36. (1) For the purposes of this Act, the Minister shall, by statutory order, in consultation with the Director and on the advice of a board specify, including by scientific name, a wild animal as a game animal or protected animal and in like manner specify a game animal as a protected animal. (2) A game animal shall be specified as a protected animal under this section — (a) to preserve a viable population of the species when it becomes rare, threatened or endangered; (b) for its role in the maintenance and assessment of the health of an eco-system; (c) for its economic significance in a local or national economy; or (d) to preserve populations of endemic species. (3) Where the Minister specifies a wild animal as a protected animal under an order made under subsection (1), the order may— (a) prohibit or regulate the hunting of the protected animal generally or during a specified period and throughout the Republic or in a specified area of the Republic; or (b) apply to all wild animals within the area specified or to a wild animal or species, class or variety of a class of wild animal specified in the order and may make different provisions for different sexes of the specified wild animal. (4) Except as otherwise provided by this Act, a person who hunts or is found in circumstances showing that the person intends to hunt a protected animal commits an offence.
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Schedule, Zambia Wildlife (Protected Animals) Order 2016: Animal Baboon Badger, honey Blesbok Buffalo Bushbaby Bushbuck, Bushpig, Civet Deer Spotted, axis Duiker,common Grysbok, sharpe’s Hare, spring, scrub Hartebeest, Liechtensten Hyena, spotted Impala Jackal, slide-stripped Kudu Nyala Monkey vervet Mongoose, all species Oribi Otter, spotted neck Otter,clawlessor small-clawed Porcupine Puku, including sengakog Reedbuck Servelcat Waterbuck, defassa,common Warthog, Wildebeest, blueorbrindled Wildcat Birds Duck,TealandGeese,allspecies,including: White-backedduck AfricanPochard Yellow-BilledDuck CapePigeon Hotternton Teal Red-BilledTeal Peafowl Garganey Guineafowl,helmeted Exoticbirds Reptiles Tortoise-all species Turtle-all species Snakes-all species other than python Monitor Lizar. Schedule: Zambia Wildlife (Protected Animals) Order 2016: Animals
Antelope Sable
Duicker Blue
Duicker Yellow Backed
Genet Cats
Lechwe, Balck
Lechwe Kafue Lechwe, Red
Monkey, Blue
Monkey Colobus
Monkey Moloney’s
Rhinoceros, Black
Rhinoceros, White
Wild Dog
Wildebeest, Cookson’s
Bustard, all species
Buzzaard, all species
Bittern, all species
Crane, all species
Eagle, all species
Egret, all species
Falcon, all species
Flamingo, all species
Ground Hornbill
Guinea fowl, crested
Harrier, all species
Hawk, all species
Heron, all species
Ibis, all species
Kestrel, all species
Love-bird, all species
Owl, all species
Parrot, all species
Perrot, all species
Pelican, all species
Sandgrouse, all species
Vulture, all species
Crocodile, Nile, Slender Snouted
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36 (3) Where the Minister specifies a wild animal as a protected animal under an order made under subsection (1), the order may— (a) prohibit or regulate the hunting of the protected animal generally or during a specified period and throughout the Republic or in a specified area of the Republic
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Section 10. (1) The Minister shall ensure cooperation with other countries in enhancing the role of the wildlife sector for international cooperation and regional integration.
(2) Subject to the Constitution and this Act and notwithstanding any other law, the Ministry responsible for wildlife may, on behalf of the Government—
(a) enter into bilateral or multi-lateral agreements with a foreign State or organisation relating to wildlife conservation and management;
(b) in liaison with other relevant Government Ministries, develop national, regional or international legal instruments for the protection and conservation of wildlife and encourage sustainable wildlife utilisation;
(c) establish or strengthen research and development programmes at national, subregional, regional and international levels for the assessment of activities with impact on wildlife and the environment and monitor such research and development programmes to ensure that they are appropriate for wildlife conservation and management;
36. (1) For the purposes of this Act, the Minister shall, by statutory order, in consultation with the Director and on the advice of a board specify, including by scientific name, a wild animal as a game animal or protected animal and in like manner specify a game animal as a protected animal;
Section 109. (1) There is established the Wildlife Development Fund for purposes of wildlife development, research, conservation and management.
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8; The Scientific Authority shall, for the purpose of these Regulations and the Convention […] (b) in case of proposed import of specimen of a species in Column I of the First Schedule, advise the Management Directorate on whether or not the purposes of the import are detrimental to the survival of the species involved.
11(1); A person shall not export any specimen of a species included in the First Scehdule without the prior grant and presentation of an export permit.
13(1); A person shall not import any specimen of a species included in Column I of the First Schedule without priorgrant and presentation of an import permit and an export permit or a re-export certificate.
14(1); A person shall not re-export any specimen of species listed in Column I and Column II of the First Schedule without the prior grant and presentation of a re-export certifcate.
108. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Act, the Minister may, on the advice of the Director and in consultation with the Minister responsible for trade and industry and the Minister responsible for veterinary services, by statutory instrument, regulate the import, export or re-export of any game or protected animal and the regulations may incorporate the requirements of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and the Lusaka Agreement on Cooperative Enforcement Operations Directed at Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora.
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2; Protected animal ” means a wild animal ferae naturae which is endemic, threatened or endangered and is subject to strict control in order to further its survival and is so specified by regulation under section thirty-six
31.Except as otherwise provided by this Act, a person who, not being the holder of a hunting licence, capture permit or hunting concession issued under this Act relevant to such hunting, hunts a game or protected animal, except elephant and rhinoceros, in any Game Management Area commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding four hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or to both.
127. (1) A person who hunts, wounds, molests or reduces into possession an elephant or rhinoceros in contravention of any provision of this Act commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction— (a) for a first offence, to a term of imprisonment of not less than five years but not exceeding twenty years, without the option of a fine; and (b) for a second or subsequent offence, to a term of imprisonment of not less than ten years but not exceeding twenty-five years, without the option of a fine. (2) If the court is satisfied that an offence, referred to in subsection (1), was committed for the purpose of, or in connection with, illegal trafficking in ivory or rhinoceros horn, the offender shall be liable, upon conviction
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37. Except as otherwise provided by this Act, a person who hunts a game animal or protected animal, except under or in accordance with the conditions of a hunting licence, commits an offence.
127. (1) A person who hunts, wounds, molests or reduces into possession an elephant or rhinoceros in contravention of any provision of this Act commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction— (a) for a first offence, to a term of imprisonment of not less than five years but not exceeding twenty years, without the option of a fine; and (b) for a second or subsequent offence, to a term of imprisonment of not less than ten years but not exceeding twenty-five years, without the option of a fine. (2) If the court is satisfied that an offence, referred to in subsection (1), was committed for the purpose of, or in connection with, illegal trafficking in ivory or rhinoceros horn, the offender shall be liable, upon conviction—