Zambia / Consumption use
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2; INTERPRETATIONS- unsuitable food ” includes food that—
(a) is the product of a diseased animal or an animal that has
died other than by slaughter, and has not been declared
under this Act or any other written law to be safe for
human consumption
7. (1) A person shall not sell, import, export, manufacture or
store any food that(2) A person shall not sell, import, manufacture or store any
unsuitable food
100. (1) The Minister may, on the advice of the Director, by statutory instrument— (a) control, or make subject to any condition, the trade in live or game animal or protected animal or the trade in carcasses, meat and skins of such animals; and (b) prohibit, limit, control or make subject to a condition, the movement of the meat of a game animal or protected animal from a specified area for a period of time specified in the order, or may, by like order exclude, in respect of a specified area, the meat of a game animal or protected animal specified in the order from the provisions of this Part or any provision of the order (2) A condition imposed by the Minister under subsection (1) may be applicable generally throughout the Republic or may be applicable to the meat of all game animals or protected animals or to all persons, or it may be limited to such specified areas, or to the meat of specified game animal or protected animal or to such specified classes of persons as the Minister may determine, on the advice of the Director. (3) A statutory instrument made under subsection (1) may provide that for a contravention of the Regulations a person commits an offence and shall be liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or to both.
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101. (1) A person who sells a game animal or protected animal or any meat of a game animal or protected animal shall, at the time of the sale, be in actual possession of a certificate of ownership issued in respect of the game or protected animal or the meat of a game animal or protected animal, as the case may be, and a permit to sell the game or protected animal or the meat of the game or protected animal.
(2) Except as may otherwise be prescribed, a seller shall, upon the sale of a game animal or protected animal or any meat of a game animal or protected animal, endorse upon the certificate of ownership issued in respect of the game animal or protected animal, or of the meat of a game animal or protected animal, such details of the authority to sell the animal as may be prescribed, and the seller shall deliver up to the buyer the endorsed certificate of ownership, or a note of such certificate and endorsement, in the prescribed form, before or at the time of the delivery of the game animal or protected animal, or of the meat of a game animal or protected animal, as the case may be.
(3) If the seller has not previously delivered to the buyer the endorsed certificate of ownership of a game animal or protected animal or of any meat of a game animal or protected animal, as the case may be, or the prescribed note of the certificate and endorsement required under subsection (2), the buyer shall, at the time of delivery of the game animal or protected animal or the meat of a game animal or protected animal, under the sale, obtain from the seller the duly endorsed certificate of ownership or other prescribed note of such certificate and endorsement.
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101. (1) A person who sells a game animal or protected animal or any meat of a game animal or protected animal shall, at the time of the sale, be in actual possession of a certificate of ownership issued in respect of the game or protected animal or the meat of a game animal or protected animal, as the case may be, and a permit to sell the game or protected animal or the meat of the game or protected animal.
(2) Except as may otherwise be prescribed, a seller shall, upon the sale of a game animal or protected animal or any meat of a game animal or protected animal, endorse upon the certificate of ownership issued in respect of the game animal or protected animal, or of the meat of a game animal or protected animal, such details of the authority to sell the animal as may be prescribed, and the seller shall deliver up to the buyer the endorsed certificate of ownership, or a note of such certificate and endorsement, in the prescribed form, before or at the time of the delivery of the game animal or protected animal, or of the meat of a game animal or protected animal, as the case may be.
(3) If the seller has not previously delivered to the buyer the endorsed certificate of ownership of a game animal or protected animal or of any meat of a game animal or protected animal, as the case may be, or the prescribed note of the certificate and endorsement required under subsection (2), the buyer shall, at the time of delivery of the game animal or protected animal or the meat of a game animal or protected animal, under the sale, obtain from the seller the duly endorsed certificate of ownership or other prescribed note of such certificate and endorsement.
104. (1) A person may apply to the Committee in the prescribed manner and form upon payment of the prescribed fee for a permit to import or export a wild animal or meat of a wild animal.