Zambia / Food safety
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3; Interpretations- in these Regulations, unless context otherwise requires, "animal" means bull, ox, bullock, cow, heifer, steer, calf, sheep, lamb, goat, pig or other quadruped commonly used for the food of man.
10; When such is thought necessary by the meat Inspector and the same is reasonably practicable, any animal intended for slaughter for sale as food of man shall be examined by a Veterinary Officer before slaughter and for this purpose the meat Inspector may prohibit the slaughter of any animal until such an examination shall have been made, provided that slaughter may not be delayed more than 24 hour for this purpose.
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3; Interpretations- in these Regulations, unless context otherwise requires, "animal" means bull, ox, bullock, cow, heifer, steer, calf, sheep, lamb, goat, pig or other quadruped commonly used for the food of man.
10; When such is thought necessary by the meat Inspector and the same is reasonably practicable, any animal intended for slaughter for sale as food of man shall be examined by a Veterinary Officer before slaughter and for this purpose the meat Inspector may prohibit the slaughter of any animal until such an examination shall have been made, provided that slaughter may not be delayed more than 24 hour for this purpose.
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13; Every person bringing or causing any animal to be brought in the abattoir shall cause the same to be slaughtered and the carcassess thereof, if passed, to be removed with the least possible delay, and in no case may any animal be kept in the abattoir awaiting slaughter for a longer period than 36 hours.
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2; Interpretations - "officer" means a veterinary officer, livestock officer, veterinary assistant or animal scientist employed by the Government.
4; The functions of the Department [Department of Veterinary Services] are to- […] (f) collect, analyze and present data related to livestock sector; (g) certify for trade measures, import and export measures and veterinary services, animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles and premises.
5(1); An officer may- (a) at any reasonable time, enter upon any land, building or premises where animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed may be found or processed for the purposes of inspection or data collection; [...] (c) inspect any animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed destined for import into, or export from, Zambia to determine whether the consignment is sanitary compliant; (d) inspect and examine any conveyance which the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is transporting an animal, animal product, animal by-product, artcle or animal feed or carrying out cativities contrary to this Act.
6(1); A veterinary officer may- (a) apply or order the application of measures which are necessary or prescribed for the control or prevention of the spread of a disease; [...] (c) order the adoption of measures prescribed to ensure the welfare of animals.
7; An officer shall , for the purpose of this Act- (a) take or cause to be taken from an animal, any samples or specimen; (b) take or cause to be taken from a building, shed, place or conveyance, an article, sample ot specimen, and (c) apply such other tests as the officer may consider necessary.
9; No person shall bring any dead or dying animal into an abattoir without first obtaining the written consent of the Veterinary Officer.
10; When such is thought necessary by the meat Inspector and the same is reasonably practicable, any animal intended for slaughter for sale as food of man shall be examined by a Veterinary Officer before slaughter and for this purpose the meat Inspector may prohibit the slaughter of any animal until such an examination shall have been made, provided that slaughter may not be delayed more than 24 hour for this purpose.
11; All animals brought into abattoir shall be fed, watered and treated with due and proper care by the owner or his representatives and such owner or his representatives shall not suffer or cause such animals to be without food for more than twenty four hours nor to be at any time to be without sufficient quantity of wholesome water.
12; No animal shall be allowed to stray at large within the abattoir but shall be kept by the owner in the pens provided for that purpose.
13; Every person bringing or causing any animal to be brought in the abattoir shall cause the same to be slaughtered and the carcassess thereof, if passed, to be removed with the least possible delay, and in no case may any animal be kept in the abattoir awaiting slaughter for a longer period than 36 hours.
14; All animals brought into the abattoir shall , while awaiting slaughter, be watered and treated with due and proper care by the owner or his representatives, and such owner or representative shall not suffer or cause such animals to be without food for more than twenty-four hours or without a sufficient quantity of wholesome water.
4(1); Functions of the Food Safety Coordinating Committee- (a) coordinate activities and responses related to food safety among enforcement agencies in order to have a unified scientific basis in food safety control system; [...] (d) coordinate the implementation of food safety policies, procedures and guidelines.
22; An appropriate enforcement authority may- [...] (c) collect samples of an article from a manufacturer, an importer, exporter, distributor or seller for the purpose of laboratory analysis; [...] (e) take necessary steps to ensure compliance with standards issued under this Act and codes of practice aimed at ensuring standards of food safety and quality.
24(2); An authorized health officer shall be responsible for the issuance of health inspection reports, certificate of compliance and notifications of refusal for businesses that require regulatory health clearance.
42; A public analyst shall , as soon as practicable, analyze or examine a sample sent to the laboratory for analysis of examination and shall issue a certificate of analysis, in the prescribed form.
43(1); An authorized officer may- (a) at any reasonable time, enter on and inspect any land, premises or conveyance where an article is manufactured, prepared, preserved, packaged or stored for sale or sold, examine the article and take samples of the article for purposes of an investigation.
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4; The functions of the Department [Department of Veterinary Services] are to- […] (f) collect, analyze and present data related to livestock sector; (g) certify for trade measures, import and export measures and veterinary services, animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles and premises.
6(1); A veterinary officer may- (a) apply or order the application of measures which are necessary or prescribed for the control or prevention of the spread of a disease; [...] (c) order the adoption of measures prescribed to ensure the welfare of animals.
12; Where at any place within or outside Zambia there exists, or is suspected to exist, any disease which is likely to affect animals in Zambia, the Minister may make such as the Minister or Director considers necessary for all or any of the following purposes- [...] (f) to regulate and provide for the conduct of meat inspection in a slaughter facility for the purpose of controlling animal diseases an residues in meat;
18; All persons engaged in slaughtering animals or in dressing or handling carcasses or meat shall submit themselves to medical examination by the Medical Officer of Health, Veterinary officer or Meat Inspector and, if it shall appear to the Medical Officer of Health, Veterinary Officer or Meat Inspector, that any person engaged as aforesaid is not in good health, the Veterinary Officer or Meat Inspector may exclude such persons from the abattoir until such has been examined by the Medical Officer of Health and reported to be in good health.
22; An appropriate enforcement authority may- [...] (c) collect samples of an article from a manufacturer, an importer, exporter, distributor or seller for the purpose of laboratory analysis; [...] (e) take necessary steps to ensure compliance with standards issued under this Act and codes of practice aimed at ensuring standards of food safety and quality.
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18(1); An owner of an animal suspected of being infected with a disease shall - (a) so far as practicable, keep such animal separate from other animals that are not infected; (b) prevent the movement of such animal outside of the infected area; (c) prevent the sale of such infected animal; (2) A veterinary officer or inspector shall , for the purpose of isolating animals in an infected area- (a) require the owner of an infected animal to isolate it from other animals; (b) regulate the movement of such infected animal; (c) cause any animal in the infected area to be marked for the purpose of identification.
21; The Director shall , for the purpose of disease control and animal and animal product traceability, use an animal and animal product identification system that allows for the tracing of animals and animal products from origin to end-use for the purpose of diseases control.
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6(1); A Veterinary Officer may- […] (b) destroy or order the destruction at any time of any animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed which is diseased, moved or used contrary to the provisions of this Act.
5; Every owner of consignee of any butchers; meat or dead animal intended for the food of man which may be conveyed or transported into the District of the Local Authority for the purpose of sale shall submit such butchers' meat or dead animal for the purpose of examination and stamping or branding [...]
27; Every person bringing into the abattoir, either by himself or by his servants, any animal which is diseased or suspected of being diseased shall take the same to the place set apart for reception of such animals, and shall immedietely inform the responsible officer of the Local Authority.
28; A person slaughtering or assisting in slaughtering at the abattoir any animal which, after being slaughtered, is found or suspected of being diseased, shall take the carcass thereof to the place set apart for the reception of carcasses of diseased animals, and shall immedietely inform the responsible officer of the Local Authority
29; No person shall cut away or remove from any carcass any portion thereof, diseased or otherwise, before inspection of the carcass by the Medical Officer of Health, Veterinary Officer, Health Inspector, Livestock Officer or person authorized in writing by the Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer to carry out inspections of carcasses or meat.
30; The carcasses of animals condemned on account of disease or other reasons as unfit for human consumption shall be dealt with and disposed of by the owner thereof, in such manner as Medical Officer of Health or Veterinary Officer shall direct.
31; The carcass of animals submitted for examinations and rejected on account of non-compliance with the conditions laid down in regulation 5, shall be dealt with and disposed of by the owner [...].
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20(4); A person who- (a) fails to comply with instruction given under subsection (1) and (2) or (b) fails to communicate the contents of an instruction in accordance with subsection (3); commits an offense and is liable upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year, or both.
76(1); An officer may arrest a person without warrant where the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person- (a) has committed an offense under this Act.
77(1); Upon the conviction of any person of an offense under this Act, the court may in addition to any other penalty imposed, declare any animal, animal product, animal by-product or article [...] to be forfeited without compensation .
34; Any person guilty of an offence against or contravention of, or default in complying with, any provision of these Regulations shall be liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and fifty penalty units, and, if the offence, contravention or default is of a continuing nature, to a further fine not exceeding ninety penalty units for each day during which the offence, contravention or default continues.
45(1); An authorized officer may arrest a person, without warrant, where the authorized officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person - (a) has committed an offense under this Act; (b) is about to commit an offense under this Act; (c) is willfully obstructing the authorized officer in the execution of the officer's duties.
59; A law enforcement officer or an authorized person may, where that officer or authorized person has reasonable grounds to believe that an offense has been committed, any article collected or removed contrary to the provisions of this Act and any tool, instrument, plant, machinery, equipment, vehicles and other property suspected of having been used in commission of the offense, may seize and detain the article until an order of the court is made regarding the forfeiture and disposal of the article.
62; A person who commits an offense under this Act for which a specific penalty is not provided for is, on conviction, liable to a fine not exceeding three hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or both.