Zambia / Food safety
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4(3); Functions of the Director (of Fisheries) are to- (a) supervise the manner, extent and conditions of producing, harvesting and treating, transporting and selling of fisheries resources.
16(1); A person shall not permit to be anchored a fish processing and storage vessel which does not conform to the sanitary standards for vessels used for such purposes in any commercial fishing area. (2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years, or to both.
20; Where any place within or outside Zambia there exists, or is suspected to exist, any disease which is like to affect fish in Zambia, the Minister of Director may make such order as the Minister or Director consider necessary for all or any of the following purposes- (a) to prohibit or prevent the introduction of diseases [...]; (c) to regulate the quarantine, isolation, disinfection or treatment of any fish, fish product or conveyance in any part of Zambia; (d) to prohibit or regulate the sale of fish or fish product [...]
43; An aquaculture license may contain conditions- (a) relating to the sitting, design, equipment and materials to be used in the construction of an aquaculture facility; [...] (c) intended to promote sanitary conditions in the handling of fish and in the preparation and processing of fish and fish products; [...] (e) prevent and control spread of fish diseases; [...] (g) stipulating measures to be taken to minimise the escape of waste products and pollution of the water in, or the land surrounding, the aquaculture facility; (h) regulating the disposal of dead fish or waste from an aquaculture facility operated by license [...] (i) respecting the control and monitoring of water quality in the aquaculture facility; (j) prohibiting the use of chemicals or pharmaceutical products, drugs or antibiotics, in the aquaculture facility.
45; A person who intends to engage in aquaculture shall conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment in accordance with provisions of the Environmental Management Act, 2011.
10; An industrial fishing vessel or equipment shall have the following minimum requirements- (a) a reception and adequate work for taking fish and fish products on board; (b) the area shall be easy to clean and protect the fish product from the sun or any source of contamination; (c) a place for storing and packaging materials separate from processing areas; and (d) a suitable number of toilets and changing rooms.
11; An area used for preparing and freezing fish and fish products shall have the following- (a) a non-slippery floor, walls and ceilings that are easy to clean and disinfect; (b) adequate ventilation, lighting and proper vapor extraction, and (c) cleaning and disinfection tools that are not hand operated.
12; The following requirements shall be complied with during and after landing of fish- (a) offloading and landing equipment shall be constructed of materials that are easy to clean and disinfect, and shall be kept in a good state of repair and cleanliness; (b) fish products shall be placed, without unnecessary delay, in an appropriate environment at appropriate temperatures to prevent contamination of fish products; (c) signs prohibiting smoking, spitting, eating and drinking shall be displayed in conspicuous spots in the area used for landing fish; and (d) the area shall be closed and kept closed in a manner determined by the Department.
13; Any factory, equipment or premises used for storing fish shall have the following facilities- (a) working areas of sufficient size for work to be carried out under hygienic conditions; (b) layout and design shall separate the clean and dirty parts of the factory in order to prevent contamination of fish or fish products; (c) the cold rooms for storing fish and fish products shall be kept at an appropriate temperatures as prescribed by the Zambia Bureau of Standards; (d) appropriate facilities for protection against pests such as insects, rodents, birds, vermin, shall be in place; and (e) minimum sanitary conditions shall be adhered to as prescribed by the Zambia Bureau of Standards.
14(1); An employer shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the highest possible standard of cleanliness is required of the staff; (2) An employer shall take all necessary measures to prevent any contamination of fish and fish products and ensure provision of personal protective equipment to employees handling fish and fish products.
15; The handling of fish and fish products off the shore shall comply with standards prescribed by the Zambia Bureau of Standards.
16; A person responsible for the premises used for processing fish or fish products shall - [...] (b) indicate the conditions of storage for the fish or fish products on the packaging for the fish or fish products [...]
17(1); The fish products shall , during production and before they are released for human consumption, be subject to visual inspection for the purpose of detecting and removing any parasites; (2) a person shall not place on the market for human consumption, any fish or fish products which are infested with parasites or moulds; (3) microbiological criteria, including sampling plans and methods of analysis shall be complied with to protect human health.
18(1); Fish packaging materials shall comply with rules of hygiene; (2) Unused packaging materials for fish and fish products shall be protected from dust and contamination and be stored in premises away from production areas; (3) Fish products shall not be stored or transported with other products which may contaminate them or affect their hygiene, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection; (4) vehicles used for the transportation of fish products shall be constructed and equipped in such a way that the appropriate temperature can be maintained throughout the period of transportation.
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15(1); A person shall not-(a) use, or have in that person’s possession, any explosive or firearm for fishing;
(b) possess, use, attempt or cause to be used for fishing, any trawl net or bottom drag net or other fishing net of similar nature;
(c) alter or interfere with the natural configuration of the terrain or cause any such alteration or interference in such a manner as to enable the isolation from the main water of any fish in subsidiary water, whether or not such isolation takes place immediately or through the natural rise or fall of the water;
(d) fish by means of any net towed through the water behind or between boats, or by driving or directing fish towards a stationary net;
(e) set any net across the width of any river, channel or lagoon, measured from bank to bank;
(f) permit to be used, use, or attempt to use any poison or other noxious substance for the purpose of killing, stunning, injuring, disabling or catching fish, or in any way rendering fish more easily caught;
(g) carry or have in that person’s possession or control any explosive, firearm, poison, chemical or other noxious substance in circumstances indicating an intention of using such substance for any of the purposes referred to in paragraph (f);
(h) use any electrical device for fishing or carry or have in that person’s possession or control, or have on board any conveyance, an electrical device in circumstances which indicate an intention to use it for fishing;
7; A person shall not fish in any commercial fishing area using Kutumpula or any of the fishing methods specified in section 15 of the Act.
8; A person shall not use pesticides as a means of curing, preserving, processing or storing fish.
9; A person shall not, during the closed fishing season, move fish from an open fishing area and aquaculture facility without a certificate of origin.
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11; An area used for the preparation and freezing of fish and fish products shall have the following: (a) a non-slippery floor, walls and ceilings that are easy to clean and disinfect; (b) adequate ventilation, lighting and proper vapour extraction; and (c) cleaning and disinfection tools that are not hand operated.
12; The following requirements shall be complied with during and after landing of fish: (a) offloading and landing equipment shall be constructed of material that is easy to clean and disinfect, and shall be kept in good state of repair and cleanliness; (b) fish products shall be placed, without unnecessary delay, in a protected environment at appropriate temperatures to prevent contamination of the fish products; (c) signs prohibiting smoking, spitting, eating and drinking shall be displayed in prominent and conspicuous spots in the area used for landing fish; and (d) the area shall be closeable and be kept closed in the manner determined by the Department. (c) the cold rooms used for storing fish and fish products shall be kept at appropriate temperatures as prescribed by the Zambia Bureau of Standards; (d) appropriate facilities for protection against pests such as insects, rodents, birds and vermin shall be in place; and (e) minimum sanitary conditions shall be adhered to as prescribed by the Zambia Bureau of Standards.
13; Any factory, equipment or premises used for storing fish shall have the following facilities- (a) working areas of sufficient size of work to be carried out under hygienic conditions; (b) the layout and design shall separate the clean and dirty parts of the factory in order to prevent contamination of fish and fish products; (c) the cold room used for storing fish and fish products shall be kept at an appropriate temperature as prescribed by the Zambia Bureau of Standards; (d) appropriate facilities for protection against pests such as insects, rodents, birds and vermin shall be in place and (e) minimum sanitary conditions shall be adhered to as prescribed by Zambia Bureau of Standards.
14; (1) An employer shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the highest possible standard of cleanliness is required of staff.
(2) An employer shall take all necessary measures to prevent any contamination of fish and fish products and ensure provision of personal protective equipment to employees handling fish and fish products.
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10; An industrial fishing vessel or equipment shall have the following minimum requirements- (a) a reception and adequate work for taking fish and fish products on board; (b) the area shall be easy to clean and protect the fish product from the sun or any source of contamination; (c) a place for storing and packaging materials separate from processing areas; and (d) a suitable number of toilets and changing rooms.
11; An area used for preparing and freezing fish and fish products shall have the following- (a) a non-slippery floor, walls and ceilings that are easy to clean and disinfect; (b) adequate ventilation, lighting and proper vapor extraction, and (c) cleaning and disinfection tools that are not hand operated.
12; The following requirements shall be complied with during and after landing of fish- (a) offloading and landing equipment shall be constructed of materials that are easy to clean and disinfect, and shall be kept in a good state of repair and cleanliness; (b) fish products shall be placed, without unnecessary delay, in an appropriate environment at appropriate temperatures to prevent contamination of fish products; (c) signs prohibiting smoking, spitting, eating and drinking shall be displayed in conspicuous spots in the area used for landing fish; and (d) the area shall be closed and kept closed in a manner determined by the Department.
13; Any factory, equipment or premises used for storing fish shall have the following facilities- (a) working areas of sufficient size for work to be carried out under hygienic conditions; (b) layout and design shall separate the clean and dirty parts of the factory in order to prevent contamination of fish or fish products; (c) the cold rooms for storing fish and fish products shall be kept at an appropriate temperatures as prescribed by the Zambia Bureau of Standards; (d) appropriate facilities for protection against pests such as insects, rodents, birds, vermin, shall be in place; and (e) minimum sanitary conditions shall be adhered to as prescribed by the Zambia Bureau of Standards.
14(1); An employer shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the highest possible standard of cleanliness is required of the staff; (2) An employer shall take all necessary measures to prevent any contamination of fish and fish products and ensure provision of personal protective equipment to employees handling fish and fish products.
15; The handling of fish and fish products off the shore shall comply with standards prescribed by the Zambia Bureau of Standards.
16; A person responsible for the premises used for processing fish or fish products shall - [...] (b) indicate the conditions of storage for the fish or fish products on the packaging for the fish or fish products [...]
17(1); The fish products shall , during production and before they are released for human consumption, be subject to visual inspection for the purpose of detecting and removing any parasites; (2) a person shall not place on the market for human consumption, any fish or fish products which are infested with parasites or moulds; (3) microbiological criteria, including sampling plans and methods of analysis shall be complied with to protect human health.
18(1); Fish packaging materials shall comply with rules of hygiene; (2) Unused packaging materials for fish and fish products shall be protected from dust and contamination and be stored in premises away from production areas; (3) Fish products shall not be stored or transported with other products which may contaminate them or affect their hygiene, unless they are packaged in such a way as to provide adequate protection; (4) vehicles used for the transportation of fish products shall be constructed and equipped in such a way that the appropriate temperature can be maintained throughout the period of transportation.
19; Any packaging or consignment of fish or fish product shall be labelled with the following information for the purpose of tracing the origin of fish or fish product- (a) the name, business address and the registration of processing factory or premises; (b) where applicable, registration number of the wholesale market.
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16; A person responsible for a factory or premises used for processing fish or fish products shall —(a) keep a register of the processing of fish and fish products carried out at the factory or premises; (b) indicate the conditions of storage for the fish or fish products, on the packaging for the fish or fish products; (c) preserve fish and fish products by salting, smoking or drying; and (d) avail the expected storage life of the fish and fish products to the Department on demand.
17(1); The fish products shall , during production and before they are released for human consumption, be subject to visual inspection for the purpose of detecting and removing any parasites.
(2) A person shall not place on the market for human consumption, any fish or fish products which are infested with parasites or moulds.
(3) Microbiological criteria, including sampling plans and methods of analysis shall be complied with to protect human health.