Zambia / Food safety
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5(1); An officer may-(a) at any reasonable time, enter upon and inspect any land, building or premises where animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed may be found or processed for the purposes of inspection and data collection;
(b) open and examine any container, conveyance, package or wrapping suspected to contain an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance;
(c) inspect any animals, animal products, animal by-products, articles or animal feed destined for import into or export from Zambia to determine whether the consignment is sanitary compliant;(d) inspect and examine any conveyance which the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is transporting an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed to ensure sanitary compliance; and
(e) search any person whom the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is carrying an animal, animal product, animal by-product, article or animal feed or carrying out activities contrary to this Act.
(2) An owner of any land, building or premises or of any conveyance shall afford an officer access thereto and shall give such information and provide such reasonable assistance as the officer may require for the purposes of data collection and carrying out an inspection.
(3) An officer may, in the performance of any functions under this section, be accompanied and assisted by a police officer.
(4) An officer may detain an animal, animal product, animal byproduct, article or animal feed for a period not exceeding two weeks.
2; Interpretations- "authorized officer" means the Director, an officer of the Department of Fisheries authorized by the Director, and any other person authorized, in writing, by the Director.
6(1); Subject to, and for the purpose of, this Act an authorized officer may- (a) at any reasonable time, enter upon and inspect any land, tent, conveyance, fish processing establishment, aquaculture facility, building or premises where any fish or fish products may be found [...]; (b) open and examine any container, conveyance, package or wrapping suspected to contain any fish or fish products [...]; (c) inspect any fish or fish product destined for import into, or export from Zambia [...]; (d) inspect and examine any conveyance [...]
2; Interpretations- "health inspector" means a health or sanitary inspector in the employment of the Government or local authority, and includes any person appointed by the Director of Medical services to act as such within the Distric of one or more local authorities; "Medical officer of Health" means the Director of Medical Services [...]; "Sanitary inspector" means a Health or Sanitary inspector in the employment of the Government or Local Authority, and includes any person appointed by the Director of Medical Services to act as such within the District of one or more Local Authorities; "Veterinary Officer" means a veterinary surgeon in the employment of the Government.
15; A Medical Officer of Health may at any time enter and inspect any premises in which he has reason to believe that any person suffering or has recently suffered from any infectious disease is or has recently been present [...]
32; The Director of Medical Services and his officers shall have power of entry on any premises or vessel for the purpose of executing or superintending the execution of any regulations so issued by the Minister as aforesaid.
2; Interpretations - "appropriate enforcement authority" means the Ministry responsible for Health, the Ministry responsible for animal health, Ministry responsible for agriculture, the Ministry responsible for Higher Education, the Ministry responsible for trade, commerce and consumer protection or local authority and any other ministry or institution which the Minister may specify by statutory instrument.
5; The Committee (the Food Safety Coordinating Committee) shall , on the terms and conditions that it may determine, constitute a scientific advisory sub-committee comprising of experts from fields relevant to matters of food safety and quality.
6(1); Functions of the Scientific Advisory Sub-Committee- (a) provide technical and scientific based evidence to the Committee on matters of food safety and quality; (b) Facilitate national coordination for- (i) prevention of, and dealing with, food borne disease; (ii) surveillance (iii) recalls (iv) audits, surveys and data collection (iv) prevention of health hazards, and (vi) response to food borne diseases.
(2);The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations to provide for the tenure and composition of the scientific advisory sub-committee.
22; An appropriate enforcement authority may- (a) direct a manufacturer, importer, exporter, distributor or seller of an article to comply with provisions of this Act and the terms and conditions of the License, permit, certificate or regulatory health requirement.