Zimbabwe / Animal health
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Section 68 (extract) -
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, in the case of the occurrence or threatened outbreak of any formidable epidemic disease, condition or event of public health concern, the Minister may make regulations as to all or any of the following matters, namely-
(a) the imposition and enforcement of quarantine and the regulation and restriction of public traffic and of the movements of persons; (...)
Section 6 Upon the arrival of a vehicle in Zimbabwe from a place outside Zimbabwe the owner of the vehicle shall, if required by an authorized person—
(a) forthwith report in writing to the authorized person particulars of the
animals, if any, used for drawing the vehicle and of the animals or infectious things, if any, which are in or upon the vehicle, whether or not the animals and infectious things or any of them— Section 9 Disposal of animals straying into Zimbabwe
(1) An occupier or owner of land who finds on his land or an owner of animals who finds with his animals an animal which he knows or suspects on reasonable grounds has strayed from a place outside Zimbabwe shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any enactment relating to pounds, immediately—
(a) seize and detain the animal in isolation, pending orders for its disposal
given by the Director in terms of subsection (3); and
(b) report the finding of the animal in the manner prescribed,
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Section 68 (extract) -
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, in the case of the occurrence or threatened outbreak of any formidable epidemic disease, condition or event of public health concern, the Minister may make regulations as to all or any of the following matters, namely- (...)
(k) the provision of disinfecting plant and equipment, and the disinfection or, where disinfection is impossible, the destruction of any article or thing, or the disinfection of any premises which are or are believed to be contaminated with the infection of such disease;
(l) the inspection of premises and articles and the discovery and remedying of sanitary or other defects likely to favour the spread or render difficult the eradication of such disease; (...)
Section 20- An authorized person may, in the performance of his duties under this Act, enter any land or vehicle and take with him such persons, animals, vehicles, appliances,
instruments, tools, drugs and other things as he may consider necessary for the
performance of his duties and there— ( f ) order the owner, occupier or any other person for the time being in charge to cleanse, disinfect and treat in the manner ordered by the authorized person and isolate for such period as the authorized person may require any animal which the authorized person knows or suspects on reasonable grounds to be infected with a disease or any animal or infectious or other thing which the authorized person knows or suspects on reasonable grounds to be infested with a pest and any animal or thing with which it has been in contact or himself cause such animal or infectious or other thing to be cleansed, disinfected, treated and isolated
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Section 52 -
Any local authority may, and if required by the Minister after inquiry, at which the local authority shall have an opportunity of being heard, shall, provide and maintain either separately or jointly with another local authority or with a hospital authority or with the State-(c) disinfecting and cleansing stations, plant and equipment for the cleansing of persons and the disinfection of bedding, clothing or other articles which have been exposed to, or are believed to be contaminated with, the infection of any infectious disease, or which are dirty ;
Section 20 Powers of Director
(1) The Director may—(c) with the approval of the Minister, establish or cause to be established at any place quarantine stations for animals liable to be detained or isolated in terms of this Act or the conditions of a permit;
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Section 21 (4) An authorized person may—
(a) place in quarantine—
(i) any land where there are—
A. animals which are or have been or which the authorized person suspects to
be or to have been infected with a disease; or
B. animals or infectious or other things which are or have been or which the
authorized person suspects to be or to have been infested with a pest; and
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Section 21 (2) For the purposes of paragraph (e) of subsection (1), an authorized person may—[…]
(b) examine or test an animal or infectious or other thing in such manner
as he may consider necessary; and
(c) make an examination of a dead animal and, with the approval of the
Director, slaughter any other animal, the post-mortem examination of which would, in his opinion, assist in reaching a correct diagnosis;
Schedule 5 Section 6 (b) the checking, counting, marking, testing, cleansing, examination, inspection, isolation, destruction, seizure, disposal, control, disinfection and treatment of infectious things which are kept on or are brought on to or are removed from land in a prescribed area, quarantine area, quarantine station or other place referred to in paragraph 3 or which are contaminated or infested or are suspected to be contaminated or infested with a disease or pest;
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Section 7 (3) The Director may, in respect of an animal or thing seized and detained in terms of subsection (1) or (2)—
(a) order it to be destroyed; or
(b) in the case of an animal or thing seized at the time of its import—
(i) order its removal from Zimbabwe within such time and in such
manner and by such route as he may specify;
Section 10 (2) An occupier of land may destroy an animal found trespassing on the land without payment of compensation if authorized to do so by an authorized person or, in the absence of an authorized person, if two independent persons who have examined the animal decide that the animal is infected with a disease prescribed for the purposes of
this subsection.
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Section 24 Compensation
(1) If an animal or infectious or other thing is destroyed in terms of this Act, the Minister shall, subject to the provisions of this section, pay, out of moneys appropriated for the purpose by Act of Parliament, compensation to the owner of the animal or infectious or other thing.
(2) Compensation shall not, unless the Minister otherwise directs, be payable to the owner of an animal or infectious or other thing which is—
(a) referred to in section eight or nine; or
(b) confiscated in terms of this Act.
(3) The Minister shall deduct from compensation payable in terms of this section any expenses incurred, payable or reimbursed in terms of this Act by the State in connection with the animal or infectious or other thing in respect of which compensation is payable.
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Section 24 Compensation
(1) If an animal or infectious or other thing is destroyed in terms of this Act, the Minister shall, subject to the provisions of this section, pay, out of moneys appropriated for the purpose by Act of Parliament, compensation to the owner of the animal or infectious or other thing.
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Section 28 Offences and penalties
(1) Subject to section thirty-three, a. person who, with intent to spread a disease—
(a) introduces into Zimbabwe the virus or micro-organism of the disease
or a pest or any other thing whatsoever capable of producing or transmitting the disease; or
(b) collects pests or any other things, whether animate or inanimate,
which are capable of producing or transmitting the disease; or
(c) moves or uses an animal or infectious or other thing infected or
contaminated with the disease or an infectious or other thing infested with a pest capable of producing or transmitting the disease; or
(d) possesses a pest or any other thing whatsoever capable of producing
or transmitting the disease; shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine no exceeding level ten to imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.