Zimbabwe / Animal health
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Section 11: For the better exercise of its functions and powers the Authority—
(a) shall establish an executive committee, the function of which shall be to exercise any
powers of the Authority between meetings:
Provided that—
(i) the executive committee shall not, save in so far as the Authority otherwise
directs, have power to set aside or vary any decision of the Authority;
(ii) any action taken by the executive committee shall be reviewed by the Authority at
its meeting next after such action is taken;
(a1) shall establish a committee to be known as the Laboratory committee, in which may be
vested and on which may be imposed such of the functions and powers of the Authority in
relation to the Laboratory as the Authority may direct:
Provided that—
(i) the vesting or imposition of any such function or power in the Laboratory
committee shall not thereby divest the Authority of that function or power:
(ii) the Authority may amend or withdraw any decision of the Laboratory committee in
the exercise of its functions and powers;
(b) may establish any other committees in which may be vested and on which may be
imposed such of the functions and powers of the Authority as the Authority may direct:
Provided that—
(i) the vesting or imposition of any such functions and powers in a committee shall
not thereby divest the Authority of such functions and powers;
(ii) the Authority may amend or withdraw any decision of any such committee in the
exercise of its functions and powers. Section 14: For the better exercise of its functions the Authority shall, subject to this Act, have power to do or
cause to be done all or any of the things specified in the First Schedule. Section 65: The Authority, in consultation with the Minister, may appoint—
(a) such persons to be inspectors as it may consider necessary for the proper enforcement of
this Act; and
(b) such analysts as it may consider necessary for the purposes of the testing, examination
or analysis of medicines in terms of this Act.
Section 20 Powers of Director
(1) The Director may—
(a) with the approval of the Minister, delegate to a person any power
conferred upon him by this Act in relation to a particular matter or class of matters or otherwise;
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Section 20 (1) The Director may—
(a) with the approval of the Minister, delegate to a person any power conferred upon him by this Act in relation to a particular matter or class of matters or otherwise; and
(b) with the approval of the Minister, authorize a person or class of persons to do anything or perform any act which may be done or performed in terms of this Act; and
(c) with the approval of the Minister, establish or cause to be established at any place quarantine stations for animals liable to be detained or isolated in terms of this Act or the conditions of a permit; and
(d) reserve for observation or treatment an animal liable to be destroyed in terms of this Act: and
(e) establish and maintain a cordon on any land or along a boundary of any land whenever it is, in his opinion, necessary for the purposes of this Act; and
( f ) set aside at any time an order made by an authorized person in terms
of paragraph ( f ) of subsection (1) or subsection (4) of section twenty-one; and
(g) temporarily relieve an owner of animals of his obligations to do to his
animals anything required to be done to them in terms of this Act. 2) A person to whom a power has been delegated in terms of paragraph (a) of
subsection (1) shall exercise the power subject to the orders of the Director.
(3) The delegation of a power in terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) shall not preclude the exercise of the power by the Director himself.
(4) The Director may, at any time, revoke a delegation or authority made or given in terms of this section.