Zimbabwe / Animal health
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Section 3 (2) Any reference in the Second Schedule to the product of or from an animal shall be made and construed as a reference to such product notwithstanding that such animal is not included in the definition contained in section 2 or is not a member of a class of vertebrate animal specified by the Minister in terms of section 3 of the Act.
First Schedule (Section 2)
Animals for the import of which a permit issued under section 4 is required
1. Bovine animal
2. Horse; donkey; mule
3. Sheep; goat
4. Pig
5. Cat; dog
6. Rabbit
7. Domestic fowl; turkey: duck; guinea fowl;
8. All wild animals which are mammals, and which are domesticated or in captivity
9. All wild birds which are domesticated or in captivity
10. All reptiles
11. All rodents
12. All fish and crustacea
Section 5 Regulatory powers of Minister
(1) For the better eradication and prevention of the occurrence or spread within Zimbabwe and for the prevention of the introduction into Zimbabwe of diseases and pests the Minister may, by regulation, order or notice in a statutory instrument, do any or all of the matters or things specified in the Schedule.
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Section 7 (4) The powers in connection with an animal or thing conferred upon an authorized person and the Director by this section may be exercised notwithstanding that—(d) no regulation is in force which—
(i) provides for the seizure, detention, cleansing, disinfection, treatment,
isolation or disposal of the animal or thing; or
(ii) prohibits, restricts or controls the import or the export from Zimbabwe
or the movement within Zimbabwe or any area of Zimbabwe of the animal or thing. SCHEDULE (Section 5)
POWERS OF MINISTER 4. To prohibit or to restrict or control under permit or otherwise—
(a) the import of animals, pests or infectious things;[…]
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Section 6 (4) Subsection (l) shall not apply in relation to the import
into Zimbabwe of an infectious thing listed in Part II or Part III
of the Second Schedule from-
(a) the United Kingdom;
(b) the Republic of Ireland;
(c) the United State of America;
(d) Canada:
(e) Australia:
(f) New Zealand
(g) any other country, if that infectious thing is accompanied
by a certificate signed by a veterinary surgeon employed by the government of the country from which the infectious thing is being imported to the effect-
(i) that it originates from an area which has been free from foot and mouth disease. African swine ever and rinderpest, during the six months prior to the date the certificate is signed; and
(ii) in the case of an infectious thing listed in Part I1 of the Second Schedule and imported from a country in Africa, that it originates from an area which has been free from East Coast fever during the three years prior to the date the certificate is signed.
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Section 2
(1)- Subject to subsection (2), no person shall import into Zimbabwe, except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit issued under section 4, any goods listed in the First Schedule.
Section 4
The Secretary may issue a permit authorising, subject to this order and any other law In force in Zimbabwe—
(a) the import into Zimbabwe any goods listed in the First Schedule; (b) the export from Zimbabwe of any goods listed in the Second Schedule; on such terms and conditions as may be specified in or attached to the permit.
Section 5
An application for the issue of a permit under this order shall be made in writing and, subject to section 6, shall be addressed to the Secretary for Industry and International Trade, Private Bag 7708, Causeway, Zimbabwe.
Section 6. (1) Subject to this section, no person' shall import into
Zimbabwe any animal or infectious thing otherwise than in accordance with the conditions of a permit issued under section 4.
Section 5(1)- Any person who wishes to import and or export food, feed, food and feed additives and seed listed in Form FFA I must apply to be registered as such in the register established in terms of section 4.
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Section 6 [extract]- Upon the arrival of a vehicle in Zimbabwe from a place outside Zimbabwe the owner of the vehicle shall, if required by an authorized person—
(a) forthwith report in writing to the authorized person particulars of the animals, if any, used for drawing the vehicle and of the animals or infectious things, if any, which are in or upon the vehicle, whether or not the animals and infectious things or any of them— (...)
Section 7- If, at the time an animal or thing is imported or is exported from Zimbabwe, it
appears to an authorized person that—
(a) the animal or thing is or may be infected, contaminated or infested with a disease or pest; and
(b) the animal or thing is likely to spread the disease or pest; he may either exercise the powers conferred upon him by paragraph (f) of subsection (1) of section twenty-one or, pending orders given by the Director in terms of subsection (3), seize and detain the animal or thing in isolation, together with any other animal or thing which by reason of its close association therewith in time and
place is in his opinion also likely to spread the disease or pest.
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Section 7- If, at the time an animal or thing is imported or is exported from Zimbabwe, it
appears to an authorized person that—
(a) the animal or thing is or may be infected, contaminated or infested
with a disease or pest; and
(b) the animal or thing is likely to spread the disease or pest;
he may either exercise the powers conferred upon him by paragraph ( f ) of
subsection (1) of section twenty-one or, pending orders given by the Director in terms
of subsection (3), seize and detain the animal or thing in isolation, together with any
other animal or thing which by reason of its close association therewith in time and
place is in his opinion also likely to spread the disease or pest.
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Section 7 (3) The Director may, in respect of an animal or thing seized and detained in terms of subsection (1) or (2)—
(a) order it to be destroyed; or
(b) in the case of an animal or thing seized at the time of its import—
(i) order its removal from Zimbabwe within such time and in such
manner and by such route as he may specify; or
Section 9 (3) The Director, with the approval of the Minister, may order an animal seized and detained in terms of subsection (1) or (2) to be destroyed or confiscated or make such other order for its disposal as may be appropriate in the circumstances.
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Section 28 (4) A person who—
(a) is found in possession of an animal or infectious thing which was
imported otherwise than in terms of this Act or in accordance with the conditions of a permit; or
(b) for the purpose of obtaining whether for himself or any other person
the issue of a permit, makes a declaration or statement which he knows to be false in any particular or does not know or believe to be true or knowingly makes use of a declaration, statement or document containing the same; or [...] (n) contravenes or fails to comply with a provision of this Act with which
it is his duty to comply; shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or to both such fine and such imprisonment.