Zimbabwe / Animal health
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SCHEDULE (Sections 43 and 48)
The following operations, treatments, tests, advice, diagnoses and attendances may be performed by unregistered persons—[…]
(a) any non-surgical treatment given to an animal by—
(b) any minor operation, being an operation not customarily performed only by a veterinary surgeon, carried out otherwise than for payment or material advantage by a person engaged or employed in farming to any animal owned for the purposes of agriculture;
(c) anything done in the course of his duties by a person employed by the State;
(d) the rendering in an emergency of first aid for the purpose of saving life or relieving pain;
(e) the performance of the following operations—
(i) the docking of the tail of a dog before his eyes are open;
(ii) the amputation of the dew claws of a dog before his eyes are open;
(iii) the castration by the surgical removal of the testes of any of the following animals—[…]
(iv) caponising;
(f) the performance by a registered medical practitioner of an operation on an animal for the purpose of removing an organ or tissue for use in the treatment of human beings;
(g) the carrying out or performance of any operation, treatment or test by a registered medical practitioner or a registered dental practitioner at the request of a veterinary surgeon;
(h) the performance by an authorized lay assistant of certain operations, treatments, tests, advice, diagnoses and attendances under the direction of a veterinary surgeon as prescribed by regulation;
(i) the performance of any operation, treatment or test by a bona fide veterinary student attending a recognized veterinary school and under the personal supervision of a registered veterinary surgeon with whom for the time being the student is undergoing instruction.
Section 4 A registered Veterinary Laboratory Technologist may perform the duties specified in the second schedule.
Second Schedule (Section 4) Duties of an Veterinary Laboratory Technologist
1. To perform diagnostic tests according to stand operating procedures
2. To develop and validate new diagnostic tests ensuring that all necessary quality standards are met.
3. To ensure the efficient performance of diagnostic tests through the proper use and maintain of laboratory equipment and infrastructure.
4. To accurately record and report all results timeously
5. To maintain a high level of professional and to safeguard client confidentiality at all times.
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Section 4 A registered Veterinary Laboratory Technologist may perform the duties specified in the second schedule.
Second Schedule (Section 4) Duties of an Veterinary Laboratory Technologist
1. To perform diagnostic tests according to stand operating procedures
2. To develop and validate new diagnostic tests ensuring that all necessary quality standards are met.
3. To ensure the efficient performance of diagnostic tests through the proper use and maintain of laboratory equipment and infrastructure.
4. To accurately record and report all results timeously
5. To maintain a high level of professional and to safeguard client confidentiality at all times.
Section 4 A registered embryo transfer technician may perform the duties specified in the second schedule.
Second Schedule (Section 4) Duties of an Embryo Transfer Technician
An embryo transfer technician shall-
(a) Carry out embryo transfer work;
(b) Collect, evaluate, process, pack, transfer or store embryo,
(c) Prepare donor and recipient animals;
(d) perform minor operations; and
(e) conduct tests, advice and diagnoses
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Section 48 Regulatory powers of Council
(1) Subject to subsection (4), the Council may make regulations prescribing anything which under this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or done by regulation or which, in the opinion of the Council, is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to the provisions of this Act.
(2) Regulations in terms of subsection (1) may provide for—
(a) the fees which shall be payable—
(i) for registration in the Register; or
(ii) as annual fees by persons so long
Preamble IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Lands and Agriculture has approved the following regulations made by the Council of Veterinary Surgeons in terms of section 48 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act [Chapter 27:15] Section 2- The Registrar shall, mutatis mutandis, maintain a register of embryo transfer technicians in terms of Part III of the Act.Section 4 A registered Veterinary Laboratory Technologist may perform the duties specified in the second schedule.
Preamble IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Lands and Agriculture has approved the following regulations made by the Council of Veterinary Surgeons in terms of section 48 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act [Chapter 27:15].
Section 2- The Registrar shall, mutatis mutandis, maintain a register of embryo transfer technicians in terms of Part III of the Act. Section 4 A registered embryo transfer technician may perform the duties specified in the second schedule.
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Section 21 Offences in connection with Register
A person who—[…]
(f) forges or utters, knowing the same to be forged, a document purporting to be a certificate of registration; shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not
exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Section 44 Impersonation of registered persons
Any person who impersonates a registered person shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceed- ing level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprison-ment.
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Section 3. The qualifications specified in the First Schedule shall, subject to the Act, qualify the holder thereof for registration on the register of Veterinary Laboratory Technologist.
First Schedule(Section 3)
(a) Trainee Veterinary Laboratory Technologist
Relevant Bachelor of Science Degree
Relevant Full (Honours) Degree
Relevant Master’s Degree or relevant Full Degree plus one year attachment with any registered laboratory registered with the Council of Veterinary Surgeons
(b) Veterinary Laboratory Technologist
(i)Part I and II (General) Diploma Examinations in Veterinary Laboratory Technology or the equivalent thereof plus, registration with Council of Veterinary Surgeons or Health Professions Council of Zimbabwe as a qualified Veterinary Laboratory Technologists; or
(ii) relevant Bachelor of Science Degree and post -qualification experience in excess of two years plus registration with Council of Veterinary Surgeons or Health Professions Council of Zimbabwe as a qualified Veterinary Laboratory Technologists;
(iii) in addition to the qualifications detailed in (i) and (ii) above, an officer must have successfully completed the Part III Specialist Diploma Examinations in Veterinary Laboratory Technology or its equivalent or a relevant Master’s Degree;
(iv) credit may be given for relevant post qualification experience up to a maximum of four (4) years.
Section 3. The qualifications specified in the First Schedule shall, subject to the Act, qualify the holder therefore for registration on the register of embryo transfer technicians .
First Schedule(Section 3)
A Bachelor of Science( Agriculture) Degree majoring in Animal Science with a course in reproductive physiology and has passed a course which is approved by Council in embryo transfer.
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Section 5 A registered Veterinary Laboratory Technologist shall carry out the duties specified in the second schedule under the direction and control of a registered veterinary surgeon who has sufficient experience in the techniques in veterinary diagnostics.
Section 5 A registered embryo transfer technician shall carry out the duties specified in the second schedule under the direction and control of a registered veterinary surgeon who has sufficient experience in the techniques or embryo transfer
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Section 21 A person who—
(a) makes or causes to be made an unauthorized entry in or alteration of
or deletion from the Register or a certified copy thereof or extract therefrom or a certificate of registration; or
(b) procures or attempts to procure for himself or another person
registration or a certificate of registration by means of fraud, a false representation or the concealment of a material fact; or
(c) makes or causes to be made in connection with an application for
registration a false declaration in a document used for the purposes of establishing his identity; or
(d) wilfully destroys, injures or renders illegible or causes to be
destroyed, injured or rendered illegible an entry in the Register; or
(e) without the permission of the holder, wilfully destroys, injures or
renders illegible or causes to be destroyed, injured or rendered illegible a certificate of registration; or
( f ) forges or utters, knowing the same to be forged, a document
purporting to be a certificate of registration; shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.