Zimbabwe / Animal health
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Section 2: “remedy” means any substance which is intended or offered— (a) for the destruction of any noxious plant or insect; or (b) in regard to poultry, domestic animals, livestock or plants, for theprevention, treatment or cure of any disease, infestation or other unhealthy or unfavourable condition, or for the maintenance of health, but does not include any specified drug as defined in the Drugs and Allied Substances Control Act [Chapter15:03]."
Section 2.“veterinary medicine” means any substance or mixture of substances which is used, or is manufactured, sold or represented as suitable for use, in—
(a) the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation or prevention of disease or abnormal physical or mental state or the symptoms thereof in an animal; or
(b) restoring, correcting or modifying any physical, mental or organic function in an animal.
Section 2 "complementary medicine" means any substance or mixture
of substances which is used, or is manufactured, sold or represented as suitable for use in-
( a) the mitigation or prevention of disease or abnormal physical mental state or the symptoms thereof in human beings or in animals;
(b) restoring, correcting or modifying any physical, mental or organic function in man or in animals; which originates from a plant, mineral, animal or insect and includes substances generally referred to as Aromatherapeutic Substances, Ayurvedic Medicines, Energy Substances or Medicines, Homeopathic Remedies, Nutritional Substance in pharmaceutical form. Traditional Chinese Medicines, Traditional Dutch Remedies, Unanni Tibb Medicines, Western Herbal Medicines and such other medicines or remedies as may be approved by the Authority;
2 answers
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Section 12 Minister may exclude any fertilizer, farm feed or remedy from Act Subject to such conditions as he may prescribe, the Minister may exclude by regulation any fertilizer, farm feed or remedy from the operation of any or all the provisions of this Act.
Section 3 Establishment of Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe
There is hereby established an authority, to be known as the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe, which shall be a body corporate capable, in its corporate name, of suing and being sued and, subject to this Act, of performing all acts that bodies corporate may by law perform.