Zimbabwe / Animal health
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Section 3.(1) No person shall import or export a substance listed in the Second Schedule without an import or export permit granted by the Authority.
Section 4.(1) Subject to section 13, no person shall import into or export from Zimbabwe any registered medicine otherwise than in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit issued by the Authority.
(2) No person shall import into or export from Zimbabwe any registered medicine, for the purpose of wholesale dealing, unless he is duly appointed as an authorized importer or exporter by the principal in respect of that medicine.
(3) Notification of appointment of any person as an authorized importer or exporter in terms of subsection (2) shall be made to the Director-General in Form I.E.1.
(4) Any pharmacist, veterinary surgeon, dental practitioner or medical practitioner may import into Zimbabwe any medicine for no other purpose except for resale, from authorized premises, to his or her customers, patients, or clientele, as the case may be.
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Section 3 (2) Any person who wishes to import or export a substance listed in the Second Schedule shall submit an application to the Director-General in Form P.C.S 1 and such application shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee prescribed in the Schedule.
Section 2. In these regulations—
“authorized person” means—
(a) a person who holds a wholesale dealer’s permit issued in terms of the Medicines and Allied Substances Control (General) Regulations, 1991 and is authorized by a principal to import that principal’s medicines; or
(b) a pharmacy which holds a licence issued in terms of the Act; or
(c) a person who is a medical practitioner or veterinary surgeon who holds a dispensing licence issued in terms of the Act; or
(d) a person who holds a manufacturer’s licence issued in terms of the Act; or
(e) any person or organisation approved as such by the Authority; Section 6. The Director-General may issue an import or export permit to any authorised person who makes application in terms of section 5 and in issuing such permit the Director-General may impose such conditions as he or she may consider necessary or desirable.
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Consignment verification fee
Section 6. Any person who is issued with an import permit in terms of section 3 shall, on the importation of such substance pay a consignment verification fee prescribed in the Third Schedule.
Consignment verification
Section 10. Every person who is issued with an import permit in terms of section 6 shall, on the importation of such medicine pay a consignment clearance fee prescribed in the Second Schedule.
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Section 38 Prohibitions, controls and restrictions in respect of medicines, veterinary medicines and certain substances, devices and articles
(1) The Minister may, after consultation with the Authority, by regulation, prohibit, control or restrict—
(a) the manufacture, compounding, dispensing, possession, sale or use of any medicine; or
(b) the manufacture, possession, sale or use of—
(i) any substance which is used, or is manufactured, sold or represented as suitable for use, for cosmetic purposes or for the dressing of wounds or the stanching or absorbing of bleeding or other discharges from the body; or
(ii) any substance, device or article which is used, or is manufactured, sold or represented as suitable for use, for any purpose which brings it into contact with the body or any part thereof if, in the opinion of the Authority, such regulations are desirable in order to prevent infection or allergy or any other harmful effect resulting from that use; or
(iii) any device or article which is used, or is manufactured, sold or represented as suitable for use, in the diagnosis or treatment of any physical or mental state in man if, in the opinion of the Authority, such regulations are desirable in the public interest.
(2) In regulations referred to in subsection (1), the Minister may prescribe the precautions to be taken by a person in possession of a medicine to ensure its safe custody and the action to be taken by such person in the event of the destruction, loss or theft thereof
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Offences and Penalties
Section 7. Any person who—
(a) imports or exports a precursor or any other substance without a permit;
(b) fails to comply with the conditions of a permit; or
(c) for purposes of obtaining a permit, makes a declaration or statement which is false; shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Offences and penalties
Section 14. Any person who—
(a) imports or exports any medicine without a permit issued in terms of section 6; or
(b) fails to comply with the conditions of a permit issued to him or her;
shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.