Zimbabwe / Animal production
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Section 4 (extract) -
(1) Application for the registration of a fertilizer, farm feed, remedy or sterilizing
plant shall be made to a registering officer in the prescribed form and manner, and
shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee, if any
Section 25 Application for and grant or refusal of registration or permission
(1) A person who wishes to
(a) own or control any facility utilised or to be utilised for any potentially harmful research, or generally for the development, production, use or application of any product of biotechnology, including any facility utilised or to be utilised in connection with the contained use or trial release of such product; or
(b) carry on any potentially harmful research, or undertake the contained use or trial
release of product of biotechnology; shall apply to the Chief Executive Officer in the form provided by the Authority and shall, in the case of an application for a permit, submit with his or her application.
Section 59 Regulations
(1) Subject to subsection (4), the Minister may by regulation prescribe anything which by this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or which, in his or her opinion, is necessary or convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act. (e) the registration of producers, processors and buyers of products of biotechnology;
Section 5- Any person who wishes to import and or export food, feed,
food and feed additives and seed listed in Form FFA I must apply to
be registered as such in the register established in terms of section 4 accompanied by an application fee prescribed in the First Schedule.
A stockfeed intended for feeding animals at commercial level should be declared for registration whether it is for home consumption or not. It is the discretion of the registrar to do the exemptions where necessary. A stockfeed manufacturing plant should be registered.
Section 5 -
An application for the registration of a stockfeed manufacturing plant shall be made by completing Form F.F.3 specified in the First Schedule and inspection of the plant by an inspector.
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Section 25 Application for and grant or refusal of registration or permission
(1) A person who wishes to
(a) own or control any facility utilised or to be utilised for any potentially harmful
research, or generally for the development, production, use or application of any
product of biotechnology, including any facility utilised or to be utilised in connection
with the contained use or trial release of such product; or […]
shall apply to the Chief Executive Officer in the form provided by the Authority and shall, in the
case of an application for a permit, submit with his or her application. Section 59 Regulations
(1) Subject to subsection (4), the Minister may by regulation prescribe anything which by
this Act is required or permitted to be prescribed or which, in his or her opinion, is necessary or
convenient to be prescribed for carrying out or giving effect to this Act. (e) the registration of producers, processors and buyers of products of biotechnology;
Application for registration of stockfeed manufacturing plant
Section 5. An application for the registration of a stockfeed manufacturing plant shall be made by completing Form F.F.3 specified in the First Schedule and inspection of the plant by an inspector.
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Section 18. Fees in terms of these regulations shall be as specified in the Eighth Schedule.
EIGHTH SCHEDULE (Sections 18 and 19)
Registration of Stock-feeds . . . . . . $150,00
Registration of Stockfeed manufacturing plant. . . . . . $200,00
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Section 23 (2) The Chief Executive Officer of the Authority shall be responsible, subject to any
directions given to him or her by the Board, for maintaining the register and ensuring that
entries are made in the register recording(c) the particulars of the cancellation or suspension of any registration or permit, and of the restoration of any such cancelled registration or permit, or the termination of any such suspension; and
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Section 9 (extract) - (...)
(5) Where a label or inscription upon a container claims a content of any constituent, other than those set out in the Second Schedule, the content shall be registered and in the case of-
(a) inorganic constituents, the elemental content shall be stated except for salt where the maximum percentage, expressed as NaCl shall be stated; and
(b) added vitamins, antibiotics, drugs and hormones, the content of the active constituent shall be stated; and shall be used at the levels accepted by the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe and the Registration number shall be quoted on the application for registration.
(6) Any commercial bags should bear a registration number of the feed under consideration.
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Section 5 Functions and powers of Authority
(1) The general function of the Authority shall be to advise the Minister on all aspects concerning the development, production, use, application and release of products of biotechnology, and ensure that all activities with regard to such development, production, use, application and release are performed in accordance with this Act.(h) to monitor and approve the discharge of biological waste from laboratories and hospitals into the environment; Section 26 General duty of care to be observed by users of products of biotechnology (1) Every user of products of biotechnology shall, in addition to the requirements of this Act and any biotechnology guidelines or standards, ensure that appropriate measures are taken to prevent or minimise any foreseeable danger to persons, animals or plants or to the environment generally that may arise from the use of such products.