Zimbabwe / Animal production
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Section 4 Establishment of Authority
There is hereby established an authority, to be known as the National Biotechnology
Authority, which shall be a body corporate capable of suing and being sued in its own name and, subject to this Act, of performing all acts that bodies corporate may by law perform.
Section 5 Functions and powers of Authority
(1) The general function of the Authority shall be to advise the Minister on all aspects
concerning the development, production, use, application and release of products of
biotechnology, and ensure that all activities with regard to such development, production, use,
application and release are performed in accordance with this Act.
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Section 2 “farm feed” means—
(a) any—
(i) substance obtained by a process of crushing, gristing or grinding or by
the addition to any substance or the removal therefrom of any ingredient; or
(ii) condimental feed or mineral substance which possesses or is alleged to possess nutritive properties; or
(iii) substance of animal origin; which is intended or offered for the feeding of poultry, domestic animals or livestock;
(b) any stock lick or substance which can be used and is used as a stock lick, whether or not such stock lick or substance possesses medicinal properties; but does not include straw, chaff, unground hay, silage or cereal in the grain, or any substance which falls within this definition but which has been crushed, gristed or ground for a farmer in accordance with his directions for his own use, unless by regulation
Section 2- "food or feed additive" means substances that are added to
food or feed during production, processing, treatment, packaging, transportation or storage of food and feed;
Section 2 "ingredient" means any of the materials from which a farm feed is compounded; "growth promoter" means any substance that improves growth performance and feed efficiency of an animal;
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Section 5 Functions and powers of Authority
(1) The general function of the Authority shall be to advise the Minister on all aspects
concerning the development, production, use, application and release of products of biotechnology, and ensure that all activities with regard to such development, production, use, application and release are performed in accordance with this Act.
(2) The Authority shall have the following specific functions—
(l) to approve the safety aspects of the import, export, manufacture, processing and selling of any products of biotechnology, including substances, foodstuffs and additives containing products of biotechnology;[ …]
(p) to perform such other functions as are provided for in this Act.
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Section (7) Where a farm feed consists or is compounded of ingredients prescribed in the Third Schedule, such farm feed or ingredients shall comply with specifications prescribed in that Schedule. Section 19 ( 1) No person shall, after registration-(a) add to or remove from any farm feed any substance or portion so as to alter its composition or formulation with the intention that the farm feed so treated may be sold under its name in an altered state;
(b) knowingly sell any farm feed under its name but altered in its composition or formulation.
(2) No person shall use any figures, numerals or words other than those required or permitted to be used by section 7 on any label or mark affixed to or inscribed upon any container in which a farm feed is sold, save as is otherwise provided in these regulations or in terms of the regulations made under the Trade Measures Act [ Chapter 14:23], or with the approval of the registering officer.
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Section 33 (1) (Subject to subsection (3), an inspector may, at fixed intervals agreed with the registered user of a product of biotechnology or at any time without giving prior notice, enter upon and inspect the premises of any registered user to determine whether the provisions of this Act, any biotechnology guidelines or standards and the terms or conditions of any registration or permit are being complied with, and, for that purpose, the inspector may
(a) inspect any activity or process carried out in or upon such premises in connection with
the use of products of biotechnology;
(b) request any information regarding any activity or process referred to in paragraph (a)from the registered user or any person carrying out or supervising such activity or
(c) where it is suspected on reasonable grounds that any offence against this Act is being committed
(i) seize any appliance, book, statement, shipping bill, bill of lading or other
document and take samples of materials or substances which may afford proof
of such offence; or
(ii) require the registered user to produce any appliance, book, statement, shipping
bill, bill of lading or other document, or any sample of any material or
substance within a specified time and at a specified place. to subsection (3), the inspector may, at any time, without giving prior notice, exercise the powers specified in subsection (1) in relation to any premises or place owned or controlled by a person other than a registered user where it is known or suspected on reasonable grounds that any potentially harmful research or undertaking is being or will be carried on. Section 33 (2) Subject to subsection (3), the inspector may, at any time, without giving prior notice, exercise the powers specified in subsection (1) in relation to any premises or place owned or controlled by a person other than a registered user where it is known or suspected on reasonable grounds that any potentially harmful research or undertaking is being or will be carried on.
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Labelling of containers
Section 9 (1) For the purposes of section 8 of the Act and subject to
the provisions of this section, the container in which the farm feed
is sold shall be durably and legibly marked or labelled in English or
any of the vernacular languages with-
( a) the brand name under which the farm feed is registered; and
(b) the particulars specified in the Second Schedule, the numerical values of which shall be the same as the relevant information contained in the application for registration; and if desired the name and address of the person in whose name such feed is registered may be similarly given.
(2) In the case of protein concentrate feeds, the label shall bear a statement of the proportions in which it is recommended that the concentrates shall be fed with grain meal.
(3) In the case of poultry mashes, the label shall state whether the feed is intended for feeding with or without scratch grain.
( 4) Where a farm feed contains urea, biuret, antibiotic, drugs or hormones the label shall, if required by the registering officer in terms of section 4( 4) of the Act, as a condition of registration bear-
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Section 9 (4) Where a farm feed contains urea, biuret, antibiotic, drugs
or hormones the label shall, if required by the registering officer in
terms of section 4( 4) of the Act, as a condition of registration bear-(a) a statement giving instructions for use; and
(b) an appropriate warning.
(5) Where a label or inscription upon a container claims a content of any constituent, other than those set out in the Second Schedule, the content shall be registered and in the case of-
(a) inorganic constituents, the elemental content shall be stated except for salt where the maximum percentage, expressed as NaCl shall be stated; and
(b) added vitamins, antibiotics, drugs and hormones, the content of the active constituent shall be stated; and shall be used at the levels accepted by the Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe and the Registration number shall be quoted on the application for registration.
(6) Any commercial bags should bear a registration number of the feed under consideration.
(7) Best before dates should be legibly inscribed on the carrier