Zimbabwe / Animal production
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Section 3 Offences
(1) Any person who—
(a) cruelly beats, kicks, ill-treats, overrides, overdrives, overloads or
tortures any animal or causes any animal so to be used; or
(b) drives or uses any animal which is so diseased or so injured or in such
a physical condition that it is unfit to do any work; or
(c) being the owner, abandons any animal or causes or permits any animal
to be abandoned; or
(d) by wantonly or unreasonably doing or omitting to do any act or by
causing or procuring the commission or omission of any act, causes any unnecessary
suffering to any animal; or
(e) wantonly or unreasonably does or causes or procures the commission
of any act likely to infuriate or terrify any animal; or
( f ) being the owner, permits in any manner aforesaid any unnecessary
suffering to be caused to any animal or permits such animal to be infuriated or
terrified as aforesaid; or
(g) cruelly or unnecessarily ties up or confines any animal or causes or
permits any animal so to be tied up or confined; or
(h) conveys or carries or causes or procures or, being the owner, permits
to be conveyed or carried, any animal in such a manner or position as to cause that
animal any unnecessary suffering; or
(i) causes, procures or assists at the fighting of any animal, or keeps,
uses, manages or acts or assists in the management of any premises or place used for
the purpose or partly for the purpose of fighting any animal, or permits any premises
or place so to be kept, managed or used, or receives or causes or procures any person
to receive any money for the admission of any person to such premises or place; or
( j) without any reasonable cause or excuse, administers or causes or
procures, or, being the owner, permits the administration of, any poisonous or
injurious drug or substance to any animal or, without any reasonable cause or excuse,
causes any such poison or substance to be taken by any animal; or
(k) subjects or causes or procures, or, being the owner, permits to be
subjected, any animal to any operation which is performed without due care and
shall be guilty of an offence and liable—
(i) on a first conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars or to
imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such
(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction to a fine not exceeding four
hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or to both
such fine and such imprisonment.
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Section 10 Power of police officer or inspector to remove animal for treatment
(1) If a police officer or inspector finds any animal which is so diseased or injured or
is suffering in such other way that in his opinion it is desirable that it should receive
treatment in order to relieve its suffering, he may, if the owner is absent or refuses to
consent to the treatment of the animal, at once summon a veterinary surgeon or, if any veterinary surgeon is within reasonable distance and if the animal can without causing it unnecessary suffering be moved, take it or cause it to be taken to the veterinary surgeon for such treatment.
(2) Any expenses which may reasonably be incurred by reason of any action taken by a police officer or inspector under subsection (1), including the expenses and fees of any veterinary surgeon, may be recovered from the owner as a civil debt.