Zimbabwe / Animal production
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Section 2. Slaughter-house means any abattoir, slaughter pole or buidling or ancillary building or premises used for the slaughter and preparation of livestock intended for sale for human consumption.
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Handling and human slaughter of animals and birds Section 15(1): No animal or bird shall be slaughtered except in accordance with the methods and procedures prescribed by these Regulations or otheriwise approved by the Director. Section 15(3) The handling of animals and birds during slaughter shall be done in a manner which will avoid unnecessary suffering. Section16(6) No person shall use any equipment for slaughtering, stunning or shooting unless the Director is satisfied that such person has the ability to use such instrument and will not cause the animal unnecessary suffering.
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Section 15(4)-All animals or birds except for wild game, birds and other non domestic animals shall be adequately restrained before stunning Section 16(1) Subject to subsection 7, the slaughtering of an animal or bird at a slaughterhouse shall be done by stunning in accordance with this section. Section 17(1): The bleeding of animals shall be carried out immediately after stunning.
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Section 16(1) Subject to subsection 7, the slaughtering of an animal or bird at a slaughterhouse shall be done by stunning in accordance with this section. Section 16(2): The stunning of animals may be carried out using a captive holt gun: provided that- (a) the instrument shall be of a type and design approved by the Director and (b) the stunning area must be so designed and so constructed to allow the stunning operator to apply the stunning blow with a high degree of accuracy to render the animal insensible immediately. Section 16(3): The stunning of sheep, pig, calf or bird may be carried out by exposure to an electrical current: Provided that- (a) it will quickly and calmly induce anaesthesia which will last for the duration of the subsequent shackling and bleeding and, (b) the quality, streghth and method of application of the electric current shall be specified by the Director, and (c) a visible voltimeter shall be incorporated into the electrical circuit. Section 16(4): The stunning of pigs may be carried out by exposure to carbon dioxide gas: Provided that- (a) the gas must be administered in a chamber approved by the Director so as to quickly and calmly render the animal insensible, for the duration of the subsequent shackling and bleeding, and (b) the operator of the chamber must make sure the animal is anaesthised and shall take every precaution to avoid overdose and death of the animal. Section 16(5) Birds and rabbits may be stunned by any other method approved by the Director.
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Section 16(7): It shall be lawful to slaughter an animal or bird by any other method than that specified in this section if the slaughter is a bona fide religious slaughter which- (a) is performed under such directions that the Director may approve, and (b) is performed as humanly as possible by a person authorised in writing by the regional governing body of the religion concerned.
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Section 16(1) Subject to subsection 7, the slaughtering of an animal or bird at a slaughterhouse shall be done by stunning in accordance with this section. Section 16(2): The stunning of animals may be carried out using a captive holt gun: provided that- (a) the instrument shall be of a type and design approved by the Director and (b) the stunning area must be so designed and so constructed to allow the stunning operator to apply the stunning blow with a high degree of accuracy to render the animal insensible immediately. Section 16(3): The stunning of sheep, pig, calf or bird may be carried out by exposure to an electrical current: Provided that- (a) it will quickly and calmly induce anaesthesia which will last for the duration of the subsequent shackling and bleeding and, (b) the quality, streghth and method of application of the electric current shall be specified by the Director, and (c) a visible voltimeter shall be incorporated into the electrical circuit. Section 16(4): The stunning of pigs may be carried out by exposure to carbon dioxide gas: Provided that- (a) the gas must be administered in a chamber approved by the Director so as to quickly and calmly render the animal insensible, for the duration of the subsequent shackling and bleeding, and (b) the operator of the chamber must make sure the animal is anaesthised and shall take every precaution to avoid overdose and death of the animal. Section 16(5) Birds and rabbits may be stunned by any other method approved by the Director. Section 17(2): bleeding shall be carried out by incising the blood vessels of the neck with a suitanble sharp instrument, causing an immediate, continous and uninterrupted flow of blood. Section 17(3): Cattle shall be bled in a hanging position unless they are slaughtered in accordance with certain religious rites or it is an emergncey slaughter.
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Section 15(3): The handling of animals and birds during slaughter shall be done in a manner which will avoid unnecessary suffering.