Zimbabwe / Consumption use
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Notes for fi shing—
(b) Leisure fishermen shall be allowed to take away 5 fish per day.
4.3 Subsistence Fishing by Resident Communities—
(a) US$1.00 for a maximum volume of fi sh to be determined by the station responsible for the water body for rod and line fi shing;
8.1 Notes on Collection of Specimens—
Insects (A bag limit of 5 insects per day shall apply)
Reptiles (excluding crocodiles) and a bag limit of 5 reptiles per bag shall apply
Ornamental fi sh (A bag limit of 5 fi sh per day shall apply
Birds (A bag limit of 5 birds per day shall apply)
Small mammals 1 A bag limit of 5 mammals per day shall apply, excluding endangered species or animals with a trophy fee [...]
Bats. A bag limit of 5 specimens shall apply; Excludes endangered species or
animals with a trophy value
10.1 Hunting
(a) Live animals for sport hunting shall be sold by auction [...]
28. (3) A fishing permit may limit the number and species of fish which may be taken, and shall be subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed thereon by the officer or employee who issues it.
Section 34 -
Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person to—
(a) hunt any animal in a sanctuary; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a sanctuary; or
(c) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or has died in or has been removed from a sanctuary:
Provided that the Authority shall not issue any such permit—
(a) to hunt or remove any designated animal or any part of such animal
unless it is satisfied that the hunting or removal is necessary for—
(i) scientific purposes; or
(ii) the protection of human life or property;
(b) to hunt or remove any animal or any part of an animal other than a
designated animal unless it is satisfied that the hunting or removal is necessary for—
(i) scientific purposes; or
(ii) educational purposes; or
(iii) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution; or
(iv) the taking of animals live for the purpose of export or restocking; or
(v) the management and control of animal populations; or
(vi) the protection of human life or property; or
(vii) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of the conservation of animals.
Section 39 -
(1) Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit—
(a) to any person to—
(i) hunt any animal in a safari area; or
(ii) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a safari area; or
(iii) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or
which has died in or which has been removed from a safari area:
Provided that the Authority shall not issue any such permit to hunt or remove any animal or any part of an animal unless it is satisfied that the hunting or removal is necessary for—
(a) scientific purposes; or
(b) educational purposes; or
(c) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution; or
(d) the taking of animals live for the purpose of export or restocking; or
(e) the management and control of animal populations; or
(f) the protection of human life or property; or
(g) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of the conservation of animals.
(b) to any person as the guest of the State to—
(i) hunt any animal in a safari area; or
(ii) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a safari area; or
(iii) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or which has died in or which has been removed from a safari area.
Section 45 (extract) -
(1) No person shall—
(a) hunt any specially protected animal; or
(b) keep, have in his possession or sell or otherwise dispose of any live specially protected animal or the meat or trophy of any such animal;
except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section forty-six. [...]
Section 46 -
Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person—
(a) to hunt any specially protected animal on any land other than in a national park; or
(b) to keep, have in his possession or sell any live specially protected animal or the meat or trophy of any such animal:
Provided that the Authority shall not issue a permit in terms of paragraph (a) unless it is satisfied that the hunting is necessary for—
(a) scientific purposes; or
(b) educational purposes; or
(c) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution; or
(d) the taking of animals live for the purpose of falconry, captive breeding, export or restocking; or
(e) the management and control of animal populations; or
(f) the protection of human life or property; or
(g) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of the conservation of animals.
59 Control of hunting, removal and sale of live animals and animal products
(1) This section shall not apply to national parks, sanctuaries or safari areas.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), no person shall—
(a) hunt any animal on any land; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from any land or from one
place to another on any land;
except in terms of a permit issued in terms of paragraph (c) of subsection (4).
(4) Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any land may—
(a) hunt any animal on the land; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from the land or from one
place to another on the land; or
(c) issue a permit to any person allowing him or any other person or any
class of persons to hunt any animal on the land or to remove any animal or any part of an animal from the land or from one place to another on the land
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79 Environment committee may order cessation of hunting
[amended by section 142 of Act 13 of 2002 with effect from the 14th March 2003.]
(1) Where a conservation committee is of the opinion that on any alienated land
within its area the hunting of animals is taking place on a scale which is, in its
opinion, likely to be injurious to animal populations in the area, it may serve notice in writing on the appropriate authority for the land that—
(a) it proposes to recommend to the Environment Board established in
terms of section 19 of the Environmental Management Act [Chapter 20:26] that
measures be taken in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section seventyseven to restrict hunting on such land of animals generally or of the animals specified in the notice; and
(b) it prohibits, for a period not exceeding fourteen days from the date
when the notice is served, the hunting of animals generally or of the animals specified
in the notice, as the case may be, on the land concerned.
(2) If so directed by the Natural Resources Board, a conservation committee shall, by notice in writing served on the appropriate authority for the land concerned, extend the period of any prohibition on the hunting of animals on the land concerned in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) for a further period not exceeding fourteen days
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Section 14- Where appropriate and feasible, the Director or Director of Customs may cause any wild life or trophy which is being imported into or exported from Zimbabwe may be marked with an indelible imprint or lead seal or some other manner so as to render its imitation by unauthorised persons as difficult as possible.
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Section 38 [...] (2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment
[inserted by Act 22 of 2001, with effect from the 10th September, 2002.]