Zimbabwe / Consumption use
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Section 2- “hunt” means—
(a) to kill, injure, shoot at or capture; or
(b) with intent to kill, injure, shoot at or capture, to wilfully disturb or molest by any method; or
(c) with intent to kill, injure, shoot at or capture, to lie in wait for, follow or search for;
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Section 59(4) (extract): Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any land may—
(a) hunt any animal on the land [...]
Section 86(extract): Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any waters may—
(a) fish at any time in the waters; [...]
Section 110: An officer or employee may hunt on any land an animal which is injured and is a source of danger to human life, notwithstanding that the permission of the appropriate authority for such land has not been obtained, and such officer or employee shall, as soon as possible, inform the appropriate authority for such land that he hunted such animal on such land and whether he was successful in killing such animal or whether it is still at large.
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Section 2 “Appropriate Authority”
(a) in relation to any land, means—
(i) in the case of alienated land—
A. the owner thereof; or
B. where the land is held under an agreement of purchase or lease, the purchaser or lessee unless the agreement otherwise provides; and includes any person appointed to be an appropriate authority for the land by such owner, purchaser or lessee, as the case may be;
(ii) the case of unalienated land which is—
A. forest land, the Forestry Commission;
B. parks and wild life land or State land other than forest land, the Authority;
C. an area of Communal Land for which the Minister has, in terms of section one hundred and eight, appointed a rural district council to be the appropriate authority, that rural district council;
D. an area of Communal Land not referred to in subparagraph C, the Minister;
(b) in relation to any waters, means—
(i) the person specified in a notice made in terms of section eighty-three as the appropriate authority for such waters; or
(ii) if no person has been specified in a notice made in terms of section eighty-three as the appropriate authority for such waters, the appropriate authority for the land riparian to such waters;
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Section 28(4): (4) The Director may, upon receipt of the appropriate fee, issue a block fishing permit to an angling society affiliated to the National Anglers' Union of Zimbabwe, which shall entitle a paid-up member of such society to fish, subject to the terms and conditions of the permit and to the limits of the numbers and species of fish which may be taken[...]
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Fourth schedule Section 4.3 Subsistence Fishing by Resident Communities—
(a) US$1.00 for a maximum volume of fish to be determined by the station responsible for the water body for rod and line fishing
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Fourth schedule Section 4.3 Subsistence Fishing by Resident Communities—
(a) US$1.00 for a maximum volume of fish to be determined by the station responsible for the water body for rod and line fishing