Zimbabwe / Consumption use
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Eighth schedule- FEES FOR PERMITS TO COLLECT SAMPLES/ SPECIMENS 8.1 Notes on Collection of Specimens— (a) The fi xed fee for each permit is chargeable regardless of whether any sample or specimen to which the permit relates is collected. (b) Unless indicated, no permit shall be issued for the collection of samples or specimens for commercial purposes. (c) Excludes endangered species or animals with a trophy value. Fee charged per day Residents Non-Residents Insects (A bag limit of 5 insects per day shall apply) US$8,00 150,00 Reptiles (excluding crocodiles) and a bag limit of 5 reptiles per bag shall apply US$100,00 500,00 Ornamental fi sh (A bag limit of 5 fi sh per day shall apply) US$100,00 500,00 Birds (A bag limit of 5 birds per day shall apply) US$100,00 500,00 Small mammals 1 A bag limit of 5 mammals per day shall apply 2 Excluding endangered species or animals with a trophy fee Quotation on request 500,00 S.I. 108 of 2019 855 6.2 Landing Fees In Parks Estate The landing fees applicable to the following categories shall be published by the Authority— (a) Non-Commercial Flights per landing. (b) Commercial Flights per annum/park maximum of 4 aircrafts. (c) Commercial Flights per landing. (d) Use of Hanger per day. 6.3 Guided Tours by the Authority 6.3.1 Fees shall be published by each station where service is available. 6.3.2 Chimanimani Guided Tours— (a) Guiding fees shall be published by station. (b) A refundable compulsory deposit fee of US$100,00, per person. (c) a search and rescue fee of US$ 100,00, per person, per day. 6.3.3 Unguided Walking Manapools Fees shall be published by the station. Note: Walking in Parks estate without a permit shall attract a fi ne of US$100,00. 6.4 Overninght Trails 6.4.1 Wilderness Trails The cost of hiring a guide for wilderness trails from the Authority shall be published by the station offering the product. 6.4.2 Rhino Walking Trails The price for Rhino walking trails shall be published by the station offering the product. 6.4.3 Guided Educational Tours Fees shall be published by the Authority. 854 Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Tariff of Fees) By-laws, 2019 5.4 Sailing and Yachting Competition Fees— (a) $15,00, per person, per day, for a maximum of 50 competitors and shall exclude Aquatic Conservation Fee and entry fees. (b) These fee shall apply to residents and on-resident. 5.5 Marathon and Cycling Competition Fees— (a) $500,00, for Matobo in addition to individual conservation fees. (b) $500,00, for Victoria Falls cycling in addition to individual conservation fees. (c) $400,00, per day for the Victoria Falls Marathon in addition to individual conservation fees. 5.6 Diving Fees (a) Diving fee shall be payable per person, per day. (b) $20,00, for residents and $30,00, non-residents in addition to aquatic conservation fees. 5.7 After Tournament Functions— (a) $3000,00 for the Kariba Tiger Tournament. (b) $500,00 for other areas. 5.8 Matopos Sporting Tennis Court The fees shall be published by the station. SIXTH SCHEDULE (Section 2) CHARGES FOR USE OF AUTHORITY SERVICES AND FACILITIES 6.1 Rental of equipment The cost of rental of equipment shall be published at the station providing such equipment. S.I. 108 of 2019 863 Residents Non-Residents Bats 1 A bag limit of 5 specimens shall apply 2 Excludes endangered species or animals with a trophy value Quotation on request 500,00 Eggs Quotation on request Quotation on request Fish/KG Quotation on request Quotation on request Tenth schedule- FEES FOR GAME AND GAME PRODUCTS
10.1 Hunting
(a) Live animals for sport hunting shall be sold by auction.
(b) Hunting camps shall be sold by auction.
(c) Live animals for restocking purposes shall be sold by
(d) Mounted trophies shall be sold by auction or tender.
(2) The following charges shall apply—
(a) US$170,00, per kilogram for raw ivory.
(b) US$5,00, per kilogram of hippo teeth.
S.I. 108 of 2019
(i) Chievero .......................... $3 500,00, per annum.
(ii) Darwendale ..................... $3 500,00, per annum.
(iii) Kariba .............................. $1 600,00, per annum.
(iv) Mazvikadei, Cunningham, Osborne,
Umzingwane, Manjirenji, Bangala, Sebakwe,
Ngezi ................................$1000,00, per annum.
(v) Kyle ..................................$1000,00, per annum.
(b) Kapenta fi shing permit fee for
Kariba per Unit ...........................$1 200,00 per annum.
(c) Gill bet fi shing block permit fee for Binga Rural
Council and Nyaminyami.......$3 200,00, per annum.
(d) Permit fee for Kanyemba on the Zambezi River ........
....................................................$800,00, per annum.
(e) Permits on private dams ...............$50,00, per annum.
(f) Non concession rates shall be based on the turnover.
5.1 Angling Competition Fees—
(a) $20,00, per person, per day, excluding Aquatic Conservation
Fee, entry fee and fi shing fees, whichever is applicable.
(b) These fees shall apply to residents and non-residents.
(c) $15,00, per person, per day, for Kyle, excluding Aquatic
Conservation Fee and entry fees, whichever is applicable.
5.2 Rafting Tournament Fees—
(a) $25,00, per person, per day, or a maximum of 50 competitors
and shall exclude Aquatic Conservation Fee and entry fees.
(b) These fees shall apply to residents and non-residents.
5.3 Regatta Tournament Fees—
(a) $20,00, per person, per day, for a maximum of 50
competitors and shall exclude Aquatic Conservation Fee
and entry fees.
(b) These fee shall apply to residents and on-resident.
Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Tariff of Fees)
By-laws, 2019
Notes for fi shing—
(a) Fishing Fees shall be published by the Authority.
(b) Leisure fi shermen shall be allowed to take away 5 fi sh per
(c) Fishing is charged per person and excludes Aquatic
Conservation Fee fees unless where specifi ed.
(d) A maximum of 2 fi shing rods with a maximum of 3 hooks
shall be allowed per person.
(e) No Cray fi shing net shall be used without the approval of
the Authority.
(f) Commercial fi shing permits may be paid once off at the
beginning of the year or through two instalments, with
the second instalment payable before the 1st of July of the
same year.
4.2. Cray Fishing—
(a) $5 per day for 3 nets for the ordinary permit; and
(b) $100.00 for 50 cages per month for the commercial permit.
4.3 Subsistence Fishing by Resident Communities—
(a) US$1.00 for a maximum volume of fi sh to be determined
by the station responsible for the water body for rod and
line fi shing;
(b) This fee shall not apply to Lake Chivero and Darwendale
4.4 Commercial/Gillnet Fishing—
(1) Commercial fi shing operators shall submit returns to Area
Managers responsible for the relevant fi shing area.
(2) The Authority shall have unlimited access to fi shing records.
(3) The authority shall publish any changes to annual permit
(a) The minimum annual permit fees shall be—
S.I. 108 of 2019
(c) The charges for warthog teeth shall be calculated on market
value based on regional prices per kilogram.
(3) Administrative fees shall be—
(a) US$20,00, for registration of raw ivory or tusk.
(b) 20% of sales of the prevailing auction rates for
Administrative fee/handling fee (Campfi re/Customs).
(4) Ivory and other elephant products shall be sold at the
Authority’s Head Offi ce, through the offi ce of the Director General. Eleventh schedule- MINIMUM HUNTING TROPHY FEES FOR PER
Notes on Hunting Trophy Fees—
These fees are a general guideline on minimum prices applicable.
The Authority shall publish trophy fees annually with the approval
of the Board.
Species Fees in US$
Elephant (M)
50lbs and below
51 -55 lbs
56 – 60 lbs
Above 60lbs
9 200,00
9 600,00
10 000,00
11 000,00
Elephant (T,L) 2 000,00
Buffalo (M) 3 500,00
Buffalo (F) 800,00
Lion (M) 5 000,00
Lion (F) 1 500,00
Leopard (M) 2 500,00
Cheetah 2 500,00
Sable (M) 1 500,00
Sable (F) 400,00
Hippo 1 000,00
Crocodile 1 000,00
Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Tariff of Fees)
By-laws, 2019
Species Fees in US$
Giraffe 850,00
Nyala (M) 700,00
Nyala (F) 300,00
Eland (M) 900,00
Eland (F) 500,00
Waterbuck (M) 850,00
Waterbuck (F) 300,00
Bushbuck (M) 400,00
Bushbuck (F) 150,00
Kudu (M) 600,00
Kudu (F) 300,00
Wildebeest 550,00
Reedbuck (M) 300,00
Reedbuck (F) 250,00
Tsessebe 500,00
Zebra 550,00
Ostrich 750,00
Impala (M) 80,00
Impala (F) 40,00
Warthog (M) 300,00
Warthog (F) 80,00
Klipspringer 250,00
Grysbok 75,00
Duiker 90,00
Bushing 150,00
Hyena 50,00
Suni 75,00
Oribi 75,00
Serval 150,00
Civet Cat 100,00
Jackal 75,00
Porcupine 20,00
Wildcat 75,00
S.I. 108 of 2019
(f) Re-entry for continuous safaris shall be paid after—
(i) every 7 days from the date for tour operators’ vehicles;
(ii) every 5 days from the date of entry for individual
1.5.1 Entry fees by vehicle type
Vehicle Entry fees to be published by the Authority.
2.1 Notes on accommodation fees—
(a) Accommodation and camping fees shall be published,
from time to time, by the Authority.
(b) The fees apply to overnight stay in the lodges, chalets,
cottages, camping and picnic facilities;
(c) All fees are inclusive of 2% tourism levy and 15% VAT
for residents and foreigners.
(d) Every stay for seven consecutive nights attracts a reward
of one free night within the continuous period.
(e) Unless otherwise specifi ed, camping and picnic fees are
chargeable per site.
(f) Ordinary sites take a maximum of 6 people and 2 vehicles,
while exclusive and undeveloped sites take a maximum
of 12 people and 3 vehicles.
(g) Children between the ages of 6 and 12 years shall pay 50%
of the adult camping fee.
(h) Persons on educational tour groups shall pay 50% of the
adult camping fees.
(i) Accommodation shall be charged per lodge per night,
unless otherwise indicated.
(j) Firewood shall be provided upon payment of the requisite
fees where stoves are provided, however, where fi rewood is
the only source of energy a bundle shall be provided daily.
Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Tariff of Fees)
By-laws, 2019
1.4 Conservation Fees by Park—
(a) Visitors who opt for accommodation facilities shall pay
daily conservation fees published by the station in addition
to accommodation fees.
(b) Day visitors shall pay conservation fees applicable to day
visitors as published by the Authority.
(c) Visitors to all privately run accommodation facilities within
Parks estates shall pay international daily conservation fees.
(d) Local communities are defi ned as those living in the specifi c
administrative district that shares a boundary with the park.
The station shall determine the system used to prove local
community residency in liaison with the relevant local
(e) Voluntourists undertaking projects with private organisations
shall pay conservation fees equivalent to international daily
conservation fees.
1.5 Entry Fees for Private Vehicles—
Notes on entry fees for private vehicles
(a) With the exception of buses ferrying resident school
children, senior citizens and people living with disabilities,
no other bus shall enter Parks Estate without the Parks’
written approval.
(b) No overland truck, private vehicle or minibus with a
seating capacity of over 25 persons, including tour buses,
shall enter a Parks estate, with the exception of Matopo
and Hwange Main Camp:
Provided that those entering Matopo and Hwange
Main Camp shall not be used to conduct a tour in the Park.
(c) No motor cycle shall enter the Parks estates except in terms
of a permit issued under the Seventh Schedule.
(d) Vehicles entering Chinhoyi caves, Vumba, and Ewanrigg
are exempt from paying vehicle entry fees.
(e) Foreign owned tour operator vehicles shall enter the Parks
estate upon payment of entry fees, and shall not be used
to conduct any tours within the Park estate.
Species Fees in US$
Baboon 50,00
Genet 75,00
Caracal 100,00
Steenbok 100,00
Honeybager 100,00
Dassie 50,00
Vervet Monkey 5,00
Springhare 30,00
Guinea Fowl 4,00
Francolin 4,00
Sangrouse 3,00
Pigeons/doves 4,00
Ducks/Geese 4,00
Wild Crocodile eggs $3,00 per egg
Wet Crocodile skin export permit 2% of value
Mongoose 10,00
Antbear 50,00
Section 43 (extract) -
The animals specified in the Sixth Schedule are hereby declared to be specially
protected animals.
45 Control of hunting of specially protected animals and possession or sale of
specially protected animals and products thereof
(1) No person shall—
(a) hunt any specially protected animal; or
(b) keep, have in his possession or sell or otherwise dispose of any live
specially protected animal or the meat or trophy of any such animal;
except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section forty-six.
Section 46 (extract) -
Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person— (a) to hunt any specially protected animal on any land other than in a national park; […] Provided that the Authority shall not issue a permit in terms of paragraph (a) unless it is satisfied that the hunting is necessary for—
(a) scientific purposes; or
(b) educational purposes; or
(c) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution; or
(d) the taking of animals live for the purpose of falconry, captive breeding, export or restocking; or
(e) the management and control of animal populations; or
( f ) the protection of human life or property; or
(g) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of the conservation of animals
77 Minister may declare protected animals or plants or cessation of hunting of
animals and picking of plants, authorize reduction of animals and specify hunting
[amended by section 142 of Act 13 of 2002 with effect from the 14th March 2003.]
(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may, after consultation with the Natural
Resources Board and the conservation committee concerned, by notice in a statutory instrument—
(a) declare—
(i) any animal, other than a specially protected animal which, in his opinion by reason of its scarcity or value deserves to be further protected, to be a protected animal; [...]
(b) order that the hunting of animals or the picking of indigenous plants
which, in his opinion, are being hunted or picked, as the case may be, on any
alienated land within the area of an environment committee on a scale which, in his opinion, is likely to be injurious to animal or indigenous plant populations in the area of the environment committee, shall be restricted to the extent specified in such notice on the whole or part of the land concerned;
(c) authorize an environment committee, notwithstanding subsection (2)
of section fifty-nine, to reduce on any alienated land within its area to such extent as may be specified in the notice any problem animal where, in his opinion, the number of such animals on the land is such as to cause excessive damage or nuisance;
(d) specify periods during which any animal specified in such notice may
not be hunted in the area of an environment committee.
(5) Subject to subsections (6) and (7), no person shall—
(a) hunt a protected animal or pick a protected indigenous plant or permit
any other person to do so on any land on which it has been declared a protected
animal or protected indigenous plant, as the case may be, except in terms of a licence issued in terms of subsection (9); or
(b) hunt any animal or pick any plant or permit any other person to do so
in contravention of a notice made in terms of paragraph (b) or (d) of subsection (1).
Animals Areas within which animal may be hunted without a section
37 permit
1. Aardwolf—Proteles cristatus
2. Bat-eared Fox—Otocyon megalotis Wankie district
3. Cheetah—Acinonyx jubatus
4. Gemsbok—Oryx gazella
5. Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest—Alcelaphus Lichtensteini
6. Pangolin—Manis temmincki
7. Rhinoceros—
(a) Black—Diceros bicornis
(b) Square-lipped—Ceratotherium simum
8. Roan—Hippotragus equinus
1. Python—Python sebae
1. African Hawk Eagle—Hieraaetus spilogaster
2. All the Bustards and Korhaans—Family Otidae
3. All the Cranes—Family Gruidae
4. All the Flamingoes—Family Phoenicopteridae
5. All the Pelicans—Family Pelecanidae
6. All the Storks—Family Ciconiidae
7. All the Vulturs—Family Aegypiidae
8. Ayres’ Hawk Eagle—Hieraaetus dubius
9. Bateleur—Terathopius ecaudatus
10. Black Eagle—Aquila verreauxi
11. Black-breasted Snake-Eagle—Circaetus pectoralis
12. Black Sparrowhawk—Accipiter melanoleucus
13. Brown Snake-Eagle—Circaetus cinereus
14. Crowned Eagle—Stephanoaetus coronatus
15. Fish Eagle—Haliaeetus vocifer
16. Hamerkop—Scopus umbretter
17. Lanner Falcon—Falco biarmicus
18. Long-crested Eagle—Lophaetus occipitalis
19. Martial Eagle—Polemaetus bellicosus
20. Osprey—Pandion haliaetus
21. Peregrine—Falco peregrinus
22. Secretary Bird—Sagittarius serpentarius
23. Teita Falcon—Falco fasciinucha
24. Tawny Eagle—Aquila rapax.
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Section 43 - The animals specified in the Sixth Schedule are hereby declared to be specially protected animals.
Section 44 - The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the Authority, by notice in a statutory instrument, amend the Sixth Schedule by adding thereto or removing therefrom the name of any animal.
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Section 43 - The animals specified in the Sixth Schedule are hereby declared to be specially protected animals.
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Section 46 (extract) - Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person— (a) to hunt any specially protected animal on any land other than in a national park; […] Provided that the Authority shall not issue a permit in terms of paragraph (a) unless it is satisfied that the hunting is necessary for—
(a) scientific purposes; or
(b) educational purposes; or
(c) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution; or
(d) the taking of animals live for the purpose of falconry, captive breeding, export or restocking; or
(e) the management and control of animal populations; or
( f ) the protection of human life or property; or
(g) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of the conservation of animals SIXTH SCHEDULE (Section 43)
Animals Areas within which animal may be hunted without a section
37 permit
1. Aardwolf—Proteles cristatus
2. Bat-eared Fox—Otocyon megalotis Wankie district
3. Cheetah—Acinonyx jubatus
4. Gemsbok—Oryx gazella
5. Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest—Alcelaphus Lichtensteini
6. Pangolin—Manis temmincki
7. Rhinoceros—
(a) Black—Diceros bicornis
(b) Square-lipped—Ceratotherium simum
8. Roan—Hippotragus equinus
1. Python—Python sebae
1. African Hawk Eagle—Hieraaetus spilogaster
2. All the Bustards and Korhaans—Family Otidae
3. All the Cranes—Family Gruidae
4. All the Flamingoes—Family Phoenicopteridae
5. All the Pelicans—Family Pelecanidae
6. All the Storks—Family Ciconiidae
7. All the Vulturs—Family Aegypiidae
8. Ayres’ Hawk Eagle—Hieraaetus dubius
9. Bateleur—Terathopius ecaudatus
10. Black Eagle—Aquila verreauxi
11. Black-breasted Snake-Eagle—Circaetus pectoralis
12. Black Sparrowhawk—Accipiter melanoleucus
13. Brown Snake-Eagle—Circaetus cinereus
14. Crowned Eagle—Stephanoaetus coronatus
15. Fish Eagle—Haliaeetus vocifer
16. Hamerkop—Scopus umbretter
17. Lanner Falcon—Falco biarmicus
18. Long-crested Eagle—Lophaetus occipitalis
19. Martial Eagle—Polemaetus bellicosus
20. Osprey—Pandion haliaetus
21. Peregrine—Falco peregrinus
22. Secretary Bird—Sagittarius serpentarius
23. Teita Falcon—Falco fasciinucha
24. Tawny Eagle—Aquila rapax.
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Section 45 -
(1) No person shall—
(a) hunt any specially protected animal; or
(b) keep, have in his possession or sell or otherwise dispose of any live specially protected animal or the meat or trophy of any such animal;
except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section forty-six.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level eight or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years or to both such fine and such imprisonment
Section 128 Special penalty for certain offences
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, any person who is guilty of an offence under this Act involving
(a) the unlawful killing or hunting of a rhinoceros, or any other specially protected animal specified by the Minister by statutory instrument; or
(b) the unlawful possession of, or trading in, ivory or any trophy of a rhinoceros or of any other specially protected animal that may be specified by the Minister by statutory instrument;
shall be liable to a fine not exceeding level fourteen or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding twenty years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.