Zimbabwe / Consumption use
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Fourt schedule (extract): 4.2. Cray Fishing— (a) $5 per day for 3 nets for the ordinary permit; and
(b) $100.00 for 50 cages per month for the commercial permit.
4.3 Subsistence Fishing by Resident Communities—
(a) US$1.00 for a maximum volume of fi sh to be determined by the station responsible for the water body for rod and line fi shing
4.4 Commercial/Gillnet Fishing— (a) The minimum annual permit fees shall be— (i) Chievero .......................... $3 500,00, per annum[...]
(e) Permits on private dams ...............$50,00, per annum
Seventh schedule (extract): Professional Guide’s Licence US$100,00 per annum, Professional Hunter’s Licence US$200,00 per annum, Learner’s Hunter Licence US$50,00 per annum, (1) The applicable CITES Documentation fees shall be— (b) US$50,00, for processing general permits,
(d) US$50,00, for hunting permits. (l) US$1500,00, for special hunting permits for dangerous game, including the use of bows, arrows and handguns.
(m) US$100,00, for special hunting permits for plain game, including the use for bows, arrows and handgun, (n) US$1500,00, per pack of 12 dogs, or special hunting permit, using dogs (p) US$300,00, for backpacker hunting.
Section 2:
“authority in terms of this Act” means an authority, permit or licence in terms of this Act;
"fishing permit" means a fishing permit issued in terms of section 28; "hunting permit" means a hunting permit issued in terms of section 25 or 30 of the Act; "general permit" means a general permit issued in terms of section 20;
Section 20: No person shall occupy a bush-camp for any pursuit permitted in terms of subsection (1) of section 26 of the Act except in accordance with a hunting permit, a fishing permit or a general permit issued by the Director, and upon payment of the appropriate fee, if any.
Section 28 (extract): No person shall fish in any waters, except—
(a) in terms of a fishing permit issued to him; or
(b) in terms of a block fishing permit issued in terms of subsection (4); [...]
Section 55: Any person who wishes to obtain a professional hunter's licence, a learner professional hunter's licence or a professional guide's licence shall—
(a) apply to the Director, in writing, giving such details as
may be required; and
(b) submit the appropriate fee, if any.
Section 2
“Authority in terms of this Act” means an authority, permit or licence in terms of this Act;
Section 59
(2)- Subject to subsection (4), no person shall—
(a) hunt any animal on any land; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from any land or from one place to another on any land; except in terms of a permit issued in terms of paragraph (c) of subsection (4).
(4) Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any land may—
(a) hunt any animal on the land; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from the land or from one
place to another on the land; or
(c) issue a permit to any person allowing him or any other person or any
class of persons to hunt any animal on the land or to remove any animal or any part of an animal from the land or from one place to another on the land.
Section 77: (extract)
(8) An owner or occupier of land who wishes to obtain a licence to hunt a protected animal or pick a protected indigenous plant on his land may apply therefor in writing to the conservation committee for the area within which his land is situated specifying the land on which he wishes to hunt such animal or pick such plant, his reasons therefor and by whom the hunting or picking will be done.
(9) A conservation committee to which an application in terms of subsection (8) has been made may issue the applicant with an appropriate licence.
Section 85(1) Control of fishing (extract):
(1) Subject to section eighty-six, no person shall fish in any waters, other than those specified in a notice made in terms of subsection (2), except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section eighty-six by the appropriate authority for the waters.
(2) The Minister may, on the recommendation of, or after consultation with, the
Authority, by notice in a statutory instrument, specify any waters for which a permit
to fish, issued in terms of section eighty-six, shall not be required and may in like
manner amend or revoke any such notice. [insertion by Act 19 of 2001 with effect from the
Section 86 - Permission to fish
Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any waters may—
(a) fish at any time in the waters; or
(b) issue a permit to any person allowing him or any other person or any class of persons to fish in the waters.
Section 90: No person shall carry on the business of catching fish in any waters and selling such fish except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section ninety-four:
Provided that the appropriate authority for any waters that are wholly surrounded by the land of that authority shall not be required to hold a permit in respect of the business of catching fish in such waters and selling such fish.
Section 129 - Regulations
(2) Regulations made in terms of subsection (1) may provide for—
(a) forms of application, permits, licences, returns and other forms that may be required for the purposes of this Act;
(s) the regulation and control of—
(i) holders of professional hunters’ licences, learner professional hunters’
licences and professional guides’ licences; and
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Section 59 (2)- Subject to subsection (4), no person shall—
(a) hunt any animal on any land; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from any land or from one place to another on any land; except in terms of a permit issued in terms of paragraph (c) of subsection (4).
Section 85(1)(extract)- [...] no person shall fish in any waters, other than those specified in a notice made in terms of subsection (2), except in terms of a permit[...]
Section 123 (3) No authority, permit or licence granted or issued in terms of this Act may be transferred to any other person.
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Section 17- No person shall hunt any animal in any part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate which is a botanical reserve, botanical garden or recreational park, except in accordance with a permit issued by the Director.
Powers of Minister in relation to national parks
Section 23(1)(j)(ii) (extract)-For the purpose of giving effect to the provisions section twenty-one the
Authority shall, with the concurrence of the Minister and subject to this Act, have
power—[…] to authorize—
(i) such measures as it may consider necessary or desirable for— (ii) the killing or capture of any animal within a national park which is—
A. injured or sick; or
B. causing damage to property; or
C. considered to be a danger to humans;
Section 24- Unless authorized thereto in terms of section twenty-three, no person shall—[...]
(b) hunt any wild life or take or destroy the nest thereof in a national park;
Section38(extract)- No person shall—
(a) hunt any animal in a safari area;[...]
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8 Duties of Commission
(1) Subject to this Act, the functions of the Commission shall be—
(c1) the exploitation of all forms of forest produce, including—
(iii) the conduct of hunting or photographic safaris;
33 Control of hunting in and removal of animals or animal products from a
sanctuary and sale of animals or animal products
(1) No person shall—
(a) hunt any animal in a sanctuary; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a sanctuary; or
(c) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or
has died in or has been removed from a sanctuary;
except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section thirty-four
38 Control of hunting in and removal of animals or animal products from a safari area and sale of animals or animal products
(1) No person shall—
(a) hunt any animal in a safari area; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a safari area; or
(c) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or
which has died in or which has been removed from a safari area;
except in terms of—
(i) such regulations as may be prescribed for such safari area; or
(ii) a permit issued in terms of section thirty-nine.
7 Restriction on right to occupy or use Communal Land
(1) Subject to sections ten and eleven, no person shall occupy or use any portion of Communal Land—
(a) except in the exercise of any previously acquired right subsisting on
the 1st February, 1983, or
(b) except in accordance with the terms and conditions of any right,
consent or permit granted or issued, as the case may be, in terms of this Act or any other enactment; or [...]
9 Permits to occupy and use Communal Land
(1) A rural district council may, with the approval of the Minister, issue a permit
authorizing any person or class of persons to occupy and use, subject to the Regional, Town and Country Planning Act [Chapter 29:12] and any order issued in terms thereof, any portion of Communal Land within the area of such rural district council, where such occupation or use is for any of the following purposes—
(e) any other purpose whatsoever which, in the opinion of the rural
district council, is in the interests of inhabitants of the area concerned;
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Section 8 (extract)- Except in accordance with the permission of an officer, no person shall, within the Parks and Wild Life Estate, except while travelling on a prescribed road—[...] (c) offer food to, or feed, any animal[...]
Section 18(extract)- No person shall, within the Parks and Wild Life Estate, hunt any animal by using—
(a) any equipment to transmit sound as a lure to attract animals; or
(b) an aircraft; or
(c) fire as a means of driving or surrounding any animal, [...] no person shall within the Parks and Wild Life Estate,
hunt any animal by night or use any dazzling light for the purpose
of hunting.
(3) No person shall shoot at any animal within four hundred metres of—
(a) a prescribed road; or
(b) a development area.
No person shall, within the Parks and Wild Life while he is in or upon any motor-vehicle, vessel or aircraft, discharge any weapon at or towards any animal; use any motor-vehicle, vessel or aircraft, in such manner as to drive, stampede or disturb any animal for any purpose whatsoever.
Section 29: Except in accordance with a permit issued in terms of section 83 of the Act, no person shall, in any waters, use any fishing-gear other than a rod and line or hand line to which—
(a) not more than three single hooks or trout-flies are attached; or
(b) not more than one conventional lure having not more than three single or three double or three treble hooks is attached.
Section 53(extract): Subject to subsection (2), no person shall use for hunting purposes—
(a) any rifle or shot-gun capable of firing more than one cartridge as a result of one pressure on the trigger; or (b) any weapon with, a barrel less than five hundred millimetres in length; or
(c) (a pistol, crossbow a. bow and arrow[...]
Section 53A- No person shall, use [...] (a) Any type of crossbow;
(b) An arrow to which any drug or chemical has been applied to incapacitate or kill animals;
(c) An arrow to which an arrow head capable of exploding in any way has been attached;
(d) Any broadhead other than a permitted broadhead.
Section 87 (extract): […] no person shall in any waters—
(a) without reasonable excuse, the proof whereof lies on him, kill any fish by means of an explosive charge, the discharge of a firearm or the introduction into the waters of any chemical, poison or intoxicating substance; or
(b) fish by jigging or by means of any jig or an electrical device; or
(c) wilfully injure or disturb the spawn of any fish or any spawning bed, bank or shallow whereon or wherein such spawn is deposited; except in terms of a permit [...]
Section 93 (extract): No person shall, in any waters, use any fishing gear other than—
(a) a rod and line or hand line [...]
(b) a spear; or
(c) a spear gun; or
(d) a basket trap; except in terms of a permit [...]
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Section 26: A person to whom a hunting permit or a general permit has been issued shall keep a record in such form as may be required by an officer, in which he shall cause to be recorded relevant information concerning animals hunted, or wild life seen, within twelve hours of an animal having been hunted, or wild life having been seen, as the case may be.
Section 30: A person to whom a fishing permit has been issued shall, if required in terms of his permit or by an officer or employee, submit a return, in writing, to an officer, stating the number, mass and species of fish caught and removed from the waters, together with any other relevant information which may be so required.
Section 64: Keeping of registers and returns by breeders
64. (1) A breeder of reptiles shall keep a register in which he shall cause to be recorded, by species—
(a) the number of eggs acquired, the place from which they were acquired and the number of eggs successfully hatched; and
(b) the number of live reptiles acquired and the place from which they were acquired; and
(c) the number of reptiles disposed of, by age or size class, and the method of disposal.
(2) A breeder of amphibia shall maintain a register in which h3 shall cause to be recorded, by species—
(a) the number of amphibia acquired and the place from which they were acquired; and
(b) the number of amphibia disposed of and the method of disposal.
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Fourth schedule (extract): 4.2. Cray Fishing— (a) $5 per day for 3 nets for the ordinary permit; and(b) $100.00 for 50 cages per month for the commercial permit.
4.3 Subsistence Fishing by Resident Communities—
(a) US$1.00 for a maximum volume of fish to be determined by the station responsible for the water body for rod and line fishing
4.4 Commercial/Gillnet Fishing— (a) The minimum annual permit fees shall be— (i) Chievero .......................... $3 500,00, per annum.
(ii) Darwendale ..................... $3 500,00, per annum.
(iii) Kariba .............................. $1 600,00, per annum.
(iv) Mazvikadei, Cunningham, Osborne,
Umzingwane, Manjirenji, Bangala, Sebakwe,
Ngezi ................................$1000,00, per annum.
(v) Kyle ..................................$1000,00, per annum.
(b) Kapenta fi shing permit fee for
Kariba per Unit ...........................$1 200,00 per annum.
(c) Gill bet fi shing block permit fee for Binga Rural
Council and Nyaminyami.......$3 200,00, per annum.
(d) Permit fee for Kanyemba on the Zambezi River..................................................$800,00, per annum.
(e) Permits on private dams ...............$50,00, per annum
Seventh schedule (extract): Professional Guide’s Licence US$100,00 per annum, Professional Hunter’s Licence US$200,00 per annum, Learner’s Hunter Licence US$50,00 per annum, (1) The applicable CITES Documentation fees shall be— (b) US$50,00, for processing general permits,
(d) US$50,00, for hunting permits. (l) US$1500,00, for special hunting permits for dangerous game, including the use of bows, arrows and handguns.
(m) US$100,00, for special hunting permits for plain game, including the use for bows, arrows and handgun, (n) US$1500,00, per pack of 12 dogs, or special hunting permit, using dogs (p) US$300,00, for backpacker hunting.
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Section 28(4) (extract): The Director may, upon receipt of the appropriate fee, issue a block fishing permit to an angling society affiliated to the National Anglers' Union of Zimbabwe, which shall entitle a paid-up member of such society to fish, […]
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Section 42(3): Any person who has been ordered to depart from the Parks and Wild Life Estate in terms of these regulations or who has been convicted of any offence committed within the Parks and Wild Life Estate, including any contravention of these regulations, may, by notice in writing, be prohibited, for a period not exceeding twelve months, from re-entering—
(a) that part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate from which he was ordered to depart, by an officer; or
(b) the Parks and Wild Life Estate, by the Director [...]
Section 57(1) (extract): Where the holder of a professional hunter's licence, a learner professional hunter's licence or a professional guide's licence is, in terms of these regulations, ordered to leave part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate, such licence shall forthwith be suspended [...]
Section 57(2): In addition to any other penalty provided in these regu¬lations, conviction for an offence in terms of the Act or the Forest Act [Chapter 725] or an order prohibiting re-entry to any part of the Parks and Wild Life Estate shall be grounds to cancel and debar the holding of a professional hunter's licence, a learner professional hunter's licence or a professional guide's licence for ' such period as the Director may determine.
Section 55(1): Any person who wishes to obtain a professional hunter's licence, a learner professional hunter's licence or a pro¬fessional guide's licence shall—
(a) apply to the Director, in writing, giving such details as may be required; and
(b) submit the appropriate fee, if any.
Section 55(2): On receipt of an application and any appropriate fee referred to in subsection (1), the Director may take such steps as he considers necessary in the circumstances to satisfy himself that the applicant is a person qualified and otherwise suitable to be issued with the licence for which application was made.
Section 55(3) (extract): An applicant shall not be qualified for the issue of a licence if—
(a) he does not, in the opinion of the Director, possess sufficient skill or knowledge to be issued with the licence concerned; or
(b) he is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe [...]
Section 100(1): Any person who, before the day on which he wishes to do anything in respect of which a permit is required, wishes to apply for a permit shall do so at the office of the Director, in such manner and upon payment of the appropriate fee, if any, or such deposit as the Director may require:
Provided that fishing permits for Purdon Dam or Lake Gulliver shall be applied for from the Research Officer (Fisheries), Private Bag T7901, Mutare.
Section 100(2): Any person who, on the day on which he wishes to do anything in respect of which a permit is required, wishes to apply for a permit shall do so to an officer or an employee in that area of the Parks and Wild Life Estate where he wishes to do such thing, and upon payment of the appropriate fee, if any.
Section 106(5): The conviction of a person who has any authority in terms of this Act of an offence in terms of this Act shall, if he is sentenced therefore to pay a fine of level four or more or to imprisonment for a period of three months or more and whether or not such imprisonment is suspended or is an alternative to a fine, have the effect of cancelling any such authority with effect from the date of such conviction unless in a particular case the Authority otherwise directs.
Section 123: Authorities, permits and licences
(1) Any authority, permit or licence granted or issued by the Authority, a conservation committee or an appropriate authority in terms of this Act may be subject to such terms and conditions as the Authority, conservation committee or appropriate authority, as the case may be, may deem fit to impose.
(2) Every permit or licence issued in terms of this Act, other than—
(a) a permit to pick or sell any indigenous plant issued in terms of section fifty-six; or
(b) a permit to fish issued in terms of section eighty-six; shall be in writing.
(4) The Authority, a conservation committee or an appropriate authority may at any time without assigning any reason therefor—
(a) refuse to grant or issue any authority, permit or licence in terms of this Act; or
(b) cancel or amend any authority, permit or licence granted or issued by him or it, as the case may be, in terms of this Act.
(5) If the Authority, a conservation committee or an appropriate authority cancels or amends any authority, permit or licence in terms of paragraph (b) of subsection (3), he or it, as the case may be, shall forthwith give notice thereof to the person to whom the authority, permit or licence was granted or issued.
(6) A person to whom any written authority has been granted or to whom any permit or licence has been issued in terms of this Act shall, upon receipt of any notice in terms of subsection (4), return such authority, permit or licence to the authority by whom it was issued for amendment or cancellation, as the case may be.
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Section 123(3)- No authority, permit or licence granted or issued in terms of this Act may be transferred to any other person.
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Section 28(3): A fishing permit may limit the number and species of fish which may be taken, and shall be subject to such terms and conditions as may be imposed thereon by the officer or employee who issues it. Section 56: Every professional hunter's licence, learner professional hunter's licence and professional guide's licence shall, unless earlier cancelled, expire on the 31st December of the year on which it was issued.
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Fourth schedule extract-4.3 Subsistence Fishing by Resident Communities—
(a) US$1.00 for a maximum volume of fish to be determined by the station responsible for the water body for rod and line fishing
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Fourth Schedule (extract)-4.3 Subsistence Fishing by Resident Communities— (a) US$1.00 for a maximum volume of fish to be determined by the station responsible for the water body for rod and line fishing
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4.4 Commercial/Gillnet Fishing—
[…] (2) The Authority shall have unlimited access to fishing records.
Section 26: A person to whom a hunting permit or a general permit has been issued shall keep a record in such form as may be required by an officer, in which he shall cause to be recorded relevant information concerning animals hunted, or wild life seen, within twelve hours of an animal having been hunted, or wild life having been seen, as the case may be.
(2) A record required in terms of subsection (1) shall be made and submitted to an officer within such period as the officer may determine or, if no such period is determined, within twenty-one days from the date of expiry of the hunting permit or general permit.
Section 30: A person to whom a fishing permit has been issued shall, if required in terms of his permit or by an officer or employee, submit a return, in writing, to an officer, stating the number, mass and species of fish caught and removed from the waters, together with any other relevant information which may be so required. Section 59 (extract): Every person who, for reward or otherwise, intends to conduct any other person who is not ordinarily resident in Zim¬babwe on a hunting safari shall, before the commencement of the proposed safari, send the Director a written notice [...]
Section 60: Every person who, for reward, conducts any other person who is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe on a hunting safari shall—
(a) immediately upon the conclusion of the safari, complete and sign a return in triplicate in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule, and ensure that the person who is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe also signs the return; and
(b) within fourteen days thereafter, send the original copy of the completed form to the Director at the address indicated on the form.
78 Powers of environment committees and Environment Board
[amended by section 142 of Act 13 of 2002 with effect from the 14th March 2003.]
(1) Any member of a conservation committee or any other person appointed by such
committee for the purpose may—
(a) on giving notice to the occupier of alienated land within the area of the
environment committee, or if there is no such occupier, to the owner thereof, enter
upon such land for the purpose of investigating and reporting upon animals and
indigenous plants on that land:
Provided that this paragraph shall not authorize the entry of any
dwelling-house without the consent of the occupier thereof;
(b) require the occupier of alienated land within the area of the
environment committee or, if there is no such occupier, the owner thereof, to answer
any question relating to animals or indigenous plants on his land:
Provided that no person shall be required to answer any question put
to him in terms of this paragraph if he would be entitled to decline to answer that
question were he a witness giving evidence in a court of law
(2) Any member of the Natural Resources Board or any other person appointed by the
Natural Resources Board for the purpose may exercise the powers conferred upon a
conservation committee in terms of subsection (1) in respect of any alienated land.
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Fourth Schedule (extract)-4.3 Subsistence Fishing by Resident Communities— (a) US$1.00 for a maximum volume of fish to be determined by the station responsible for the water body for rod and line fishing
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Section 24(2)- Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment .
Section 33(2)- Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment .
Section 38(2)- Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment .
Section 59(5)- Any person who contravenes subsection (2) or (3) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or to both such fine and such imprisonment .
Section 66(3)- Any person who contravenes subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Section 128(1)(b)- [...] any person who is guilty of an offence under this Act involving—
(a) the unlawful killing or hunting of rhinoceros, or any other specially protected animal specified by the Minister by statutory instrument; or
(b) the unlawful possession of, or trading in, ivory or any trophy of rhinoceros or of any other specially protected animal that may be specified by the Minister by statutory instrument; shall be liable—
(i) on a first conviction, to imprisonment for a period not less than nine years;
(ii) on a second or subsequent conviction, to imprisonment for a period of not less than eleven years:[...]
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Section 124 Appeal against decision of appropriate authority for unalienated land
(1) Any person who is aggrieved by any decision of an appropriate authority, for
unalienated land or for any waters in refusing to issue or cancelling or imposing any condition in respect of a permit referred to in subsection (4) of section fifty-nine or section eighty-six may appeal against the decision to the Minister.
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Section 124 Appeal against decision of appropriate authority for unalienated land
(1) Any person who is aggrieved by any decision of an appropriate authority, for
unalienated land or for any waters in refusing to issue or cancelling or imposing any condition in respect of a permit referred to in subsection (4) of section fifty-nine or section eighty-six may appeal against the decision to the Minister.
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Section 33 (extract) -
(1) No person shall—
(a) hunt any animal in a sanctuary; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a sanctuary; or
(c) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or has died in or has been removed from a sanctuary;
except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section thirty-four.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Section 38 (extract) -
(1) No person shall—
(a) hunt any animal in a safari area; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a safari area; or
(c) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or
which has died in or which has been removed from a safari area;
except in terms of—
(i) such regulations as may be prescribed for such safari area; or
(ii) a permit issued in terms of section thirty-nine.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Section 59 (extract) -
(1) This section shall not apply to national parks, sanctuaries or safari areas.
(2) Subject to subsection (4), no person shall—
(a) hunt any animal on any land; or
(b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from any land or from one
place to another on any land;
except in terms of a permit issued in terms of paragraph (c) of subsection (4).
(4) Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any land may—
(...) (c) issue a permit to any person allowing him or any other person or any
class of persons to hunt any animal on the land or to remove any animal or any part of
an animal from the land or from one place to another on the land.
(5) Any person who contravenes subsection (2) or (3) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Section 85 (extract) -
(1) Subject to section eighty-six, no person shall fish in any waters, other than those specified in a notice made in terms of subsection (2), except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section eighty-six by the appropriate authority for the waters.
(3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level five or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Section 90 -
(1) No person shall carry on the business of catching fish in any waters and selling such fish except in terms of a permit issued in terms of section ninety-four:
Provided that the appropriate authority for any waters that are wholly surrounded by the land of that authority shall not be required to hold a permit in respect of the business of catching fish in such waters and selling such fish.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Section 100 (extract)- [...] a regional magistrate shall have jurisdiction to impose any penalty that may be imposed for that offence in terms of this Act or any other law;
(b) a provincial magistrate or a senior magistrate shall have jurisdiction to impose a fine of level twelve or imprisonment for a period of ten years or both such fine and such imprisonment;
(c) a magistrate other than a regional, provincial or senior magistrate shall have jurisdiction to impose a fine of level eight or imprisonment for a period of three years or both such fine and such imprisonment [...]
Section 105 (extract)- Where a person is convicted of an offence in terms of this Act involving hunting and the commission of the offence has caused the death of a domestic animal [...] the court shall, in addition to any penalty which it may impose on the person convicted, order him to pay as compensation [...]
Section 106 (extract) -
(1) Where any person is convicted of—
(a) a contravention of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of section fifteen, paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of section twenty-four or subsection (1) of section
thirty-six; or
(b) an offence in terms of this Act involving hunting or fishing and such hunting or fishing took place at night;
the court—
(i) shall, unless good cause to the contrary is shown, order that any
weapon, explosive, fishing net or dazzling light; and
(ii) may order that any tent, vehicle, aircraft or boat; used for the purpose
of or in connection with the commission of the offence shall be forfeited to the State
(2) Where any person is convicted of an offence in terms of this Act involving hunting or fishing and the offence is not an offence mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (1), the court may order that any weapon, explosive, fishing net, tent,
vehicle, aircraft or boat used for the purpose of or in connection with the commission of the offence shall be forfeited to the State.
(3) Where any person is convicted of an offence in terms of this Act, the court may order that any animal, other than a specially protected animal, or the meat or trophy of any such animal or any fish in respect of which the offence was committed shall be forfeited to the appropriate authority for the land on which or the appropriate authority for the waters in which, as the case may be, the offence was committed;
(4) Anything ordered to be forfeited to the State in terms of subsection (1), (2) or (3) shall be deemed to be a State trophy.