Zimbabwe / Food safety
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Section 18 (extract) -
(1) The Minister shall for the purposes of this Act establish a board to be known as the Food Standards Advisory Board, which shall consist of the following members— (…)
(5) The function of the board shall be to advise the Minister on all matters relating to food and food standards.
Section 101-
No person shall sell meat or viscera obtained from animals and birds unless the animals and birds have been slaughtered in a registered abattoir and have been inspected by a meat inspector employed by a local authority and unconditionally passed as suitable for human consumption
Section 3-
No person shall sell, or keep, transport, or expose for sale, any meat or offal unless- (a) it has been obtained from animals or birds that have been slaughtered in a registered slaughter house and (b) the meat or offal has been inspected by a meat inspector and passed as unconditionally firt for human consumption.
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Section 97 (extract) -
(1) Subject to any regulations, a local authority may license such slaughterhouses as it from time to time thinks proper within its district (…)
Section 4 -
(1) No person may operate a slaughter house unless it is registered in terms of this Part.
(2) An application for the registration of a slaughter house shall be made to the appropriate local authority in Form No. 1
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Section 99 -
(1) No person shall use any premises as a slaughter-house within the district of a local authority unless he or she is personally licensed in respect of those premises.
(2) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level seven or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment
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Section 10 -
The lairage for animals shall be separated from the stunning area and shall have-
(a) sufficient accommodation for all animals which are to be slaughtered in any 24 hour period, and
(b) a roofed section for the housing of animals which are scheduled to be slaughtered within the next 12 hours;
(c) floors constructed of concrete or of similar durable impermiable material which shall be-
(i) sufficiently sloped and drained to permit thorough cleaning and disposal of waste material in such a way as to avoid contamination of other pens or walkaways and
(ii) kerbed in each pen to height of at least 300 millimetres to minimise cross contamination from adjacent pens and walkaways; and
(d) sufficent lighting in the roofed section to permit the inspection of the animals at all times; and
(e) separate water troughs for each pen which are of adequate capacity to supply water to all animals in the pen prior slaughter, and
(f) divisions between pens and walkaways which are constructed of impermeable and easily cleaned material, free from sharp projections and of a sufficient heightand strength to contain the animals, and
(g) adeqaute separate lockable quarantine facilities for the inspection and detention of animals, together with adequate post mortem and incineration facilities for dead animals, and drain with a separate soakaway.
Section 11-
The lairage for birds shall consist of -
(a) a separate roofed receing area so constructed that live birds do not have access to any part of the slaughter house and an impervious, easily cleanable floor sufficiently sloped and drained; and
(b) a separate lockable room easy to clean and disinfect used exclusively for holding birds suffreing or suspected to be suffreing from a disease or which are dead on arrival
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Section 3-
(1) No person shall operate premises in Zimbabwe for the sale, manufacture, production, processing or treatment of foods without a sanitary certificate for the premises issued in terms of these regulations. This inspection and certification shall also apply to food businesses for the purpose of importation and exportation of food.
(2) The minimum requirements for the certification of premises are set out in the First Schedule.
First Schedule
1. The water supply of the Council or a water supply approved by the Director of Health Services to be provided within the premises.
2. Lighting and ventilation to be provided in the premises in accordance with the provisions of the model building by-laws.
3. The floors of every room in which food is to be handled to be constructed of cement concrete or other approved impervious material, brought to a smooth finish. ·
4. The floors of the premises, to be sufficiently graded and drained to a gully connected to the drainage system.
5. The walls of every room in which food is to be handled, to be constructed of brick concrete or other approved material and the internal surface of every such wall to be finished to the satisfaction of the Director of Health Services.
6. All junctions between walls and floors in rooms where food is to be handled properly covered.
7. Every room in which food is to be handled to be provided with a ceiling or other approved means.of preventing entry into the room of dust from above.
8. Adequate storage facilities to be provided by means of glazed show cases, cabinets or other approved facilities for the protection of open food from the risk of contamination by dirty dust or flies or in any other manner.
9. Adequate storage facilities to be provided by means or refrigerators, refrigerator counters or refrigerated rooms for perishable food which shall be capable of being maintained at a temperature not exceeding seven degrees Celsius.
10. Adequate storage facilities to be provided by means of storerooms or other approved vermin and rodent proof facilities for bulk food.
11. At least one wash hand basin with a piped supply of hot and cold water connected thereto to be provided within the premises in a position conveniently accessible for all persons engaged in the handling of food.
12. At least one deep bowl sink in moulded (not joined) stainless steel and with a piped supply of hot and cold water connected thereto to be provided within the kitchen for the washing of all equipment used in the handling of food.
13. All tables. equipment and furniture in or upon which food is to be handled to be of approved impervious material.
14. Approved sanitary accommodation to be provided for the exclusive use of persons employed on the premises, such accommodation to form an integral
part of the building which accommodates the business and to be entered from within the building.
15. Approved facilities to be provided for the storage of employees clothing.
16. A sufficient yard paved throughout to be available for the use on the premises and direct access to be provided from the premises to such yard.
17. A platfonn constructed of concrete or other impervious material for the placing of refuse bins to be provided in an approved positions in the yard.
18. A platfonn constructed of concrete or other impervious material for the placing of refuse bins to be provided in an approved position in the yard.
such platfonn to be roofed, graded and drained to a gully connected to the drainage system and provided with a piped water supply.
19. All food handlers to be medically examined on engagement and annually thereafter.
20. The above represent the basic minimum hygienic requirements. Inspectors must also check if the above arc certified by GMP certifying body e.g SAZ.
21. The inspector shall also check if there are any certified QC programs such as ISO and HACCP.
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Section 3 -
(1) No person shall operate premises in Zimbabwe for the sale, manufacture, production, processing or treatment of foods without a sanitary certificate for the premises issued in terms of these
regulations. This inspection and certification shall also apply to food businesses for the purpose of importation and exportation of food.
(2) The minimum requirements for the certification of premises are set out in the First Schedule.
First Schedule
1. The water supply of the Council or a water supply approved by the Director of Health Services to be provided within the premises.
2. Lighting and ventilation to be provided in the premises in accordance with the provisions of the model building by-laws.
3. The floors of every room in which food is to be handled to be constructed of cement concrete or other approved impervious material, brought to a smooth finish. ·
4. The floors of the premises, to be sufficiently graded and drained to a gully connected to the drainage system.
5. The walls of every room in which food is to be handled, to be constructed of brick concrete or other approved material and the internal surface of every such wall to be finished to the satisfaction of the Director of Health Services.
6. All junctions between walls and floors in rooms where food is to be handled properly covered.
7. Every room in which food is to be handled to be provided with a ceiling or other approved means.of preventing entry into the room of dust from above.
8. Adequate storage facilities to be provided by means of glazed show cases, cabinets or other approved facilities for the protection of open food from the risk of contamination by dirty dust or flies or in any other manner.
9. Adequate storage facilities to be provided by means or refrigerators, refrigerator counters or refrigerated rooms for perishable food which shall be capable of being maintained at a temperature not exceeding seven degrees Celsius.
10. Adequate storage facilities to be provided by means of storerooms or other approved vermin and rodent proof facilities for bulk food.
11. At least one wash hand basin with a piped supply of hot and cold water connected thereto to be provided within the premises in a position conveniently accessible for all persons engaged in the handling of food.
12. At least one deep bowl sink in moulded (not joined) stainless steel and with a piped supply of hot and cold water connected thereto to be provided within the kitchen for the washing of all equipment used in the handling of food.
13. All tables. equipment and furniture in or upon which food is to be handled to be of approved impervious material.
14. Approved sanitary accommodation to be provided for the exclusive use of persons employed on the premises, such accommodation to form an integral
part of the building which accommodates the business and to be entered from within the building.
15. Approved facilities to be provided for the storage of employees clothing.
16. A sufficient yard paved throughout to be available for the use on the premises and direct access to be provided from the premises to such yard.
17. A platfonn constructed of concrete or other impervious material for the placing of refuse bins to be provided in an approved positions in the yard.
18. A platfonn constructed of concrete or other impervious material for the placing of refuse bins to be provided in an approved position in the yard.
such platfonn to be roofed, graded and drained to a gully connected to the drainage system and provided with a piped water supply.
19. All food handlers to be medically examined on engagement and annually thereafter.
20. The above represent the basic minimum hygienic requirements. Inspectors must also check if the above arc certified by GMP certifying body e.g SAZ.
21. The inspector shall also check if there are any certified QC programs such as ISO and HACCP.
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Section 8-The safety and quality rating system specified in the Third Schedule shall apply to premises and the rating signified by stars in designated colours shall be affixed prominently at the premises.
Third schedule - The safety and quality rating of premises following inspection shall be as follows:
I . Orange star, in the case of premises which meet the minimum hygienic requirements. Such businesses have HACCP pre-requisite programmes such as GHP, GAP, GMP,
2. Green star, in the case of premises with certified HACCP or ISO programmes. Certification should be by a recognized body such as SAZ.
3. White star, in the case of premises with certified HACCP, follow CODEX Recommended Codes of Practice, CODEX Guidelines and CODEX Standards requirements as certified by an official laboratory or ISO 17025
certified laboratory.
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Section 100 -
If the holder of a licence for a slaughter-house is convicted of contravening this Act, the local authority which issued the licence may fmthwith cancel the licence held by such person.
Section 10-
Any person who-
(a) contravenes section 4; or
(b) provides false infonnation in connection with these regulations; shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.