Zimbabwe / Food safety
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Section 29 -
Except in accordance with a permit issued in terms of section 83 of the Act, no person shall, in any waters, use any fishing-gear other than a rod and line or hand line to which—
(a) not more than three single hooks or trout-flies are attached; or
(b) not more than one conventional lure having not more than three single or three double or three treble hooks is attached.
Section 87 (extract) -
(1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall in any waters—
(a) without reasonable excuse, the proof whereof lies on him, kill any fish by means of an explosive charge, the discharge of a firearm or the introduction into the waters of any chemical, poison or intoxicating substance; or
(b) fish by jigging or by means of any jig or an electrical device [...]
Section 91 (extract) -
No person shall possess a fishing net—
(a) unless he is a registered dealer in or manufacturer of fishing nets; or[...].
Section 93 (extract) -
No person shall, in any waters, use any fishing gear other than—
(a) a rod and line or hand line to which—
(i) not more than three single hooks are attached; or
(ii) not more than one conventional lure, having not more than three single, double or treble hooks, is attached; or
(b) a spear; or
(c) a spear gun; or
(d) a basket trap;
except in terms of a permit[...]
(b) except in terms of a permit
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Section 5 (extract) -
(1) No person shall—
(a) sell; or
(b) import for sale; or
(c) manufacture for sale;
any food which is adulterated, falsely described or unwholesome or unfit for human consumption.
Section 3 (extract) -
(1) No person shall operate premises in Zimbabwe for the sale, manufacture, production, processing or treatment of foods without a sanitary certificate for the premises issued in terms of these
regulations. This inspection and certification shall also apply to food businesses for the purpose of importation and exportation of food.
(2) The minimum requirements for the certification of premises are set out in the First Schedule.
First Schedule
1. The water supply of the Council or a water supply approved by the Director of Health Services to be provided within the premises.
2. Lighting and ventilation to be provided in the premises in accordance with the provisions of the model building by-laws.
3. The floors of every room in which food is to be handled to be constructed of cement concrete or other approved impervious material, brought to a smooth finish. ·
4. The floors of the premises, to be sufficiently graded and drained to a gully connected to the drainage system.
5. The walls of every room in which food is to be handled, to be constructed of brick concrete or other approved material and the internal surface of every such wall to be finished to the satisfaction of the Director of Health Services.
6. All junctions between walls and floors in rooms where food is to be handled properly covered.
7. Every room in which food is to be handled to be provided with a ceiling or other approved means.of preventing entry into the room of dust from above.
8. Adequate storage facilities to be provided by means of glazed show cases, cabinets or other approved facilities for the protection of open food from the risk of contamination by dirty dust or flies or in any other manner.
9. Adequate storage facilities to be provided by means or refrigerators, refrigerator counters or refrigerated rooms for perishable food which shall be capable of being maintained at a temperature not exceeding seven degrees Celsius.
10. Adequate storage facilities to be provided by means of storerooms or other approved vermin and rodent proof facilities for bulk food.
11. At least one wash hand basin with a piped supply of hot and cold water connected thereto to be provided within the premises in a position conveniently accessible for all persons engaged in the handling of food.
12. At least one deep bowl sink in moulded (not joined) stainless steel and with a piped supply of hot and cold water connected thereto to be provided within the kitchen for the washing of all equipment used in the handling of food.
13. All tables. equipment and furniture in or upon which food is to be handled to be of approved impervious material.
14. Approved sanitary accommodation to be provided for the exclusive use of persons employed on the premises, such accommodation to form an integral
part of the building which accommodates the business and to be entered from within the building.
15. Approved facilities to be provided for the storage of employees clothing.
16. A sufficient yard paved throughout to be available for the use on the premises and direct access to be provided from the premises to such yard.
17. A platfonn constructed of concrete or other impervious material for the placing of refuse bins to be provided in an approved positions in the yard.
18. A platfonn constructed of concrete or other impervious material for the placing of refuse bins to be provided in an approved position in the yard.
such platfonn to be roofed, graded and drained to a gully connected to the drainage system and provided with a piped water supply.
19. All food handlers to be medically examined on engagement and annually thereafter.
20. The above represent the basic minimum hygienic requirements. Inspectors must also check if the above arc certified by GMP certifying body e.g SAZ.
21. The inspector shall also check if there are any certified QC programs such as ISO and HACCP.
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Section 2 -
(1) These regulations shall apply to all fish and fish products which are sold or manufactured for sale in Zimbabwe.
(2) No person shall sell, import for sale or manufacture for sale any fish or fish products other than in terms of these regulations.
Section 4 -
(1) Prepared fish or prepared fish products shall be whole or comminuted food prepared from fresh or preserved fish or fish products, which may be canned, cooked or frozen and may contain- (...)