Zimbabwe / Food safety
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Section 2 (extract) -
(1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall import into Zimbabwe, except in accordance with the terms and conditions of a permit issued under section 4, any goods listed in the First Schedule.
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Section 5 -
(1) Any person who wishes to import and or export food, feed, food and feed additives and seed listed in Form FFA I must apply to be registered as such in the register established in terms of section 4.
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Section 7 -
(1) Any person who wishes to import food, feed, food or feed additives and seed listed in the Second Schedule must apply to the Authority in Form FFA 4, for a biosafety import permit accompanied by an application fee prescribed in the First Schedule.
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Section 6 -
A Food Sanitary Certificate shall not exempt an exporter or importer from complying with any other pre-shipment veterinary, biotechnological, plant quarantine, phyto-sanitary and GMO requirements under the law.
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Section 7 (extract) -
(3) The Authority may prescribe a pre-shipment inspection prior to importation in order to gather more information on the exact nature of the product including production, genetic modification
status, quality and storage of the product and raw materials[...]
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Section 3 -
(1) No person shall operate premises in Zimbabwe for the sale, manufacture, production, processing or treatment of foods without a sanitary certificate for the premises issued in terms of these regulations. This inspection and certification shall also apply to food businesses for the purpose of importation and exportation of food.
(2) The minimum requirements for the certification of premises are set out in the First Schedule.
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Section 4 (extract) -
(1) Subject to these regulations, any food imported into or exported from Zimbabwe shall be subject to inspection, analysis and, where necessary, to detention, disposal or destruction in terms of the Act at any port of entry into or out of Zimbabwe unless the importer or exporter concerned holds a Food Sanitary Certificate issued in respect of the food concerned.
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Section 4 (extract) -
(1) Subject to these regulations, any food imported into or exported from Zimbabwe shall be subject to inspection, analysis and, where necessary, to detention, disposal or destruction in terms of the Act at any port of entry into or out of Zimbabwe unless the importer or exporter concerned holds a Food Sanitary Certificate issued in respect of the food concerned.
(2) A pre-shipment inspection shall ensure that any food intended for importation or exportation is in compliance with the Act or any relevant regulations made in tenns of the Act or any other enactment.
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Section 7 (extract) -
(1) The Secretary may, by notice in writing to a permit holder, revoke a permit issued by him or her under section 4 if the permit holder has failed to comply with this order or if any statement made in the application for a permit is found to be inaccurate or misleading.
Section 7 (extract) -
(5) Any person who imports any products specified in the Second Schedule without a biosafety import pemrit issued by the Authority shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 12 or to imprisonment not exceeding five years or to both such fine or such imprisonment.
Section 8 -
Any person who
(a) contravenes section 4; or
(b) provides false information in connection with these regulations; shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level 5 or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.