Zimbabwe / Food safety
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Section 8 (extract) -
(1) Where an inspector has reason to believe that there is in or upon any premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft any food for the purposes of sale or manufacture for sale or that a contravention of this Act is taking place, he may, subject to this section—
(a) enter upon, inspect or search the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft;
(b) open and examine any receptacle or package found in or upon the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft;
(c) inspect any store, record, book, document or account in or upon the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft;
(d) require the owner or occupier of the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft to produce or make available to him for inspection any store, record, book,
document or account referred to in paragraph (c);
(e) make copies of or take extracts from any record, book, document or account referred to in paragraph (c);
( f ) where it appears to him that any food found in or upon the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft is intended for sale or manufacture for sale and the
sale or manufacture for sale thereof, in his opinion, is or might be prohibited—
(i) take so many samples of the food as he may consider necessary for the purposes of testing, examination or analysis in terms of this Act;
(ii) issue and deliver to the person in whose custody the food was found or, if there is no such person or he is absent for any reason, place on or by the food in
a conspicuous place a notice in a prescribed form prohibiting the disposal, sale, manufacture for sale or removal from the premises, place, vehicle, vessel or aircraft of the food;
(iii) remove the food to some other place and detain it there.
Section 20 (extract) -
(1)- The Minister may appoint such inspectors as he may consider necessary for the proper enforcement of this Act.
(3) The powers of an inspector under this Act may be exercised—
(a) in respect of imported food, by an officer of the Department of Customs and Excise, generally or specially authorized thereto by the Director of Customs and Excise;
(b) in respect of any food, by a police officer of or above the rank of sergeant or any other police officer specially authorized thereto by the Secretary or by. a commissioned police officer.
Section 102 (extract) -
(2)- Subject to subsection (3), the Minister may in regulations- (b) provide for the appointment of officers of the Public Service as inspectors for the purposes of the regulations;
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Section 20 (extract) -
(2) No person shall be eligible for appointment as an inspector in terms of this Act unless, in the opinion of the Minister, he is qualified by technical training and has competent knowledge, skill and experience for the proper discharge of the duties of his office.