Zimbabwe / Food safety
2 answers
document title
Section 33 -
Vehicles or containers used for the transport of carcasses, meat or offal from a slaughter house shall-
(a) have an impervious and non corrodible lining which cannot affect the organoleptic character of the product or render it harmful for human health; and
(b) be totally enclosed to prevent contamination from dust, water, insects, and vermin and water tight to prevent drainage of liquids; and
(c) in the case of carcasses, sides, and quarters not frozen or contained in a hygienic packaging, be equipped witj non corrodible fittings for hanging the meat so that it does not touch the floors; and
(d) be cleaned and disinfected prior to loading ; and
(e) not be used for the transport of live animals or any other product likely to affect and contaminate the fresh meat.
Section 7- No person shall use, or permit or authorise the use of, any vehicle for the purpose of conveying or transporting game meat unless
such vehicle-
(a) is constructed in a manner approved by the medical officer of health; and
(b) is kept and rnaintained in a clean and sanitary condition; and
(c) bears the full names and address of its owner, legibly painted or affixed in a conspicuous position.
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Section 33 (extract) -
Vehicles or containers used for the transport of carcasses, meat or offal from a slaughter house shall - (…)
(e) not be used for the transport of live animals or any other product likely to affect and contaminate the fresh meat.
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Section 10 (extract) -
Any person who- [...] (g) uses, permits or authorises the use of a vehicle which is not constructed in a manner approved by the medical officer of health or which is not kept and maintained in a clean and sanitary condition or which does not bear legible full names and address of the owner; [...] contravenes section of these by-laws, shall be guilty of an offence and a fine not exceeding level five or six months imprisonment or to both such fine and imprisonment.