Zimbabwe / Non-consumption use
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Section 2- “tourist industry” includes all businesses, enterprises and activities which provide tourist facilities, including any such businesses, enterprises and activities carried on by the State, a statutory body or a local authority; Section 35- The Minister, after consultation with the Board, may by statutory instrument declare that—
(a) any service whatsoever provided for tourists; or
(b) any premises or place in or on which a service referred to in paragraph
(a) is provided, or
(c) any premises, place or thing whatsoever which, in the Minister’s
opinion, affords an amenity to tourists;
shall be a designated tourist facility.
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Section 36- Designated tourist facilities to be registered and graded
Where, in terms of regulations made under section fifty-seven, any designated tourist
facility is required to be registered or graded, no person shall conduct or operate that
designated tourist facility unless it is so registered or graded, as the case may be.
Section 45(1)- Where, in terms of regulations made under section fifty-seven, any person who owns, conducts or operates a designated tourist facility, or who provides or assists in providing any service which is a designated tourist facility, is required to hold a licence, no person shall own or operate such a designated tourist facility, or provide or assist in providing such a service, as the case may be, unless he holds such a licence.
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Section 36- Designated tourist facilities to be registered and graded
Where, in terms of regulations made under section fifty-seven, any designated tourist facility is required to be registered or graded, no person shall conduct or operate that designated tourist facility unless it is so registered or graded, as the case may be.
Section 40 Certificates of registration or grade of designated tourist facilities
(1) On the registration or grading of a designated tourist facility, the Chief Executive shall issue to the operator of the designated tourist facility a certificate in the prescribed form which shall specify that the designated tourist facility is registered or the grade into which it has been graded, as the case may be:
Provided that a single certificate may, where appropriate, specify both that a designated tourist facility has been registered and its grade
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Section 3(1)(extract)- An application for registration as a designated tourist facility shall be-(a) made in form D.T.F. 1; (b) accompanied by— (i) fees and charges payable for registration, licensing, inspection and other activities done in terms of this Act as may be determined by the Zimbabwe Tourism Board from time to time
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Section 38- Applications for registration and grading of designated tourist facilities (1) Any person who is conducting or operating or intends to conduct or operate a designated tourist facility which is required to be registered or graded shall apply to the Authority in the form and manner prescribed for the registration or grading, as the case may be, of that designated tourist facility. (2) An application in terms of subsection (1) shall be accompanied by such fee, plans, documents and other information or particulars relating to the designated tourist facility as may be prescribed. Section 43 Cancellation of registration of designated tourist facilities
(1) Where the Board considers that there has been a failure in respect of a registered tourist facility to comply with any of the prescribed requirements for registration, the Board may give notice to the operator of the tourist facility that unless the
requirement concerned is complied with within such reasonable period as the Board shall specify, he proposes to cancel the tourist facility’s registration. Section 44 Regrading of designated tourist facilities
(1) The Board may at any time, after giving the operator of a designated tourist facility a reasonable opportunity of making written representations in the matter, direct the Chief Executive to regrade the designated tourist facility if, in the Board’s
opinion, reasonable and sufficient grounds exist for doing so.
Section 4. Form and duration of registration (1) On registration of a designated tourist or user facility, the Chief Executive shall issue a certificate of registration in form D.T.F. 3 which shall, subject to section 43 of the Act, be valid for twelve months from the date of issue or renewal thereof. (2) The registration number stated on the certificate of registration shall be quoted on all— (a) correspondence between the operator and the Authority; (b) publicity material published by the operator. Section 6. Cancellation of registration Where the Chief Executive cancels the registration of a registered tourist or user facility in terms of section 43 of the Act, the operator shall forthwith— (a) return the certificate of registration to the Chief Executive for cancellation; and (b) remove any insignia referred to in section 25 displayed or shown in relation to that tourist or user facility. Section 7. Minimum standards The minimum standards to be maintained by a designated tourist or user facility shall be those specified in the Tourism (Designated Tourism Facilities) (Declaration and Requirements for Registration) Regulations 1966, published in Statutory Instrument 106 of 1996.
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Section 2- “form” means the appropriate form set out in the First Schedule; Section 3.Registration and renewal (1) An application for registration as a designated tourist facility shall be-(a) made in form D.T.F. 1;
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Section 36(2)- Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.