Zimbabwe / Non-consumption use
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Section 45(1)- Where, in terms of regulations made under section fifty-seven, any person who owns, conducts or operates a designated tourist facility, or who provides or assists in providing any service which is a designated tourist facility, is required to hold a licence, no person shall own or operate such a designated tourist facility, or provide or assist in providing such a service, as the case may be, unless he holds such a licence.
Section 34: Permit to hunt in or remove animals or animal products from a sanctuary and to sell animals or animal products Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person to— (a) hunt any animal in a sanctuary; or (b) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a sanctuary; or (c) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or has died in or has been removed from a sanctuary: Provided that the Authority shall not issue any such permit— (a) to hunt or remove any designated animal or any part of such animal unless it is satisfied that the hunting or removal is necessary for— (i) scientific purposes; or (ii) the protection of human life or property; (b) to hunt or remove any animal or any part of an animal other than a designated animal unless it is satisfied that the hunting or removal is necessary for— (i) scientific purposes; or (ii) educational purposes; or
(iii) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution; or (iv) the taking of animals live for the purpose of export or restocking; or (v) the management and control of animal populations; or (vi) the protection of human life or property; or (vii) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of the conservation of animals. Section 39: Permit to hunt in or remove animals or animal products from a safari area and to sell animals or animal products (1) Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit— (a) to any person to— (i) hunt any animal in a safari area; or (ii) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a safari area; or (iii) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or which has died in or which has been removed from a safari area: Provided that the Authority shall not issue any such permit to hunt or remove any animal or any part of an animal unless it is satisfied that the hunting or removal is necessary for— (a) scientific purposes; or (b) educational purposes; or (c) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution; or (d) the taking of animals live for the purpose of export or restocking; or (e) the management and control of animal populations; or ( f ) the protection of human life or property; or (g) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of the conservation of animals. (b) to any person as the guest of the State to— (i) hunt any animal in a safari area; or (ii) remove any animal or any part of an animal from a safari area; or (iii) sell any animal or any part of an animal which has been hunted in or which has died in or which has been removed from a safari area.
Section 46: Permit to hunt and to sell live specially protected animals and products thereof Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person— (a) to hunt any specially protected animal on any land other than in a national park; or (b) to keep, have in his possession or sell any live specially protected animal or the meat or trophy of any such animal: Provided that the Authority shall not issue a permit in terms of paragraph (a) unless it is satisfied that the hunting is necessary for— (a) scientific purposes; or (b) educational purposes; or (c) providing specimens for a museum, zoological garden or similar institution; or (d) the taking of animals live for the purpose of falconry, captive breeding, export or restocking; or (e) the management and control of animal populations; or ( f ) the protection of human life or property; or (g) any other purpose which, in the opinion of the Authority, is in the interests of the conservation of animals.
Section 75: General permit to sell live animal or trophy Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person to sell any live animal or the trophy of any animal. Section 86: Permission to fish Subject to this Act, the appropriate authority for any waters may— (a) fish at any time in the waters; or (b) issue a permit to any person allowing him or any other person or any class of persons to fish in the waters. Section 68: A professional guide’s licence shall authorize the holder thereof, subject to this Act— (a) to conduct for reward, in such national park, sanctuary or safari area or in such area of Communal Land for which the Authority is the appropriate authority if any, as may be specified in the licence, a photographic or viewing safari on foot or on horseback;
(b) to offer to conduct for reward any safari referred to in paragraph (a).
Section 94: Permits to carry on business of catching and selling fish, etc. Subject to this Act, the Authority, with the concurrence of the Minister, may issue a permit to any person to— (a) carry on the business of catching fish by means of a fishing-net or by other means in any waters and selling such fish;
(b) use an explosive charge, firearm, chemical, poison, intoxicating substance, jig or electrical device for the killing of fish: Provided that such permit shall not be issued unless the Authority is satisfied that— (a) the killing of the fish cannot effectively be achieved by any means other than by the means for which the permit is required; or (b) is necessary for research purposes or scientific management of fish populations; (c) introduce into any waters any fish or aquatic plant of a species which is not native to such waters or to water naturally connected thereto:
Provided that no such permit shall be issued in respect of any aquatic plant which is a weed; (d) import live fish or the ova of any fish; (e) catch fish in any waters by means of a fishing-net or by other means for scientific or other purposes.
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Section 45(1)- Where, in terms of regulations made under section fifty-seven, any person who owns, conducts or operates a designated tourist facility, or who provides or assists in providing any service which is a designated tourist facility, is required to hold a licence, no person shall own or operate such a designated tourist facility, or provide or assist in providing such a service, as the case may be, unless he holds such a licence.
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Section 3.1 TOUR OPERATORS ANNUAL GAME DRIVE PERMIT FEES Tour operator’s Game Drive permit Local Operators Charge/Annum Mana Pools & Hwange 1 000,00 Matopos 800,00 Gonarezhou, Zambezi and Matusadona 600,00 Zambezi Night Drives 1 000,00 Chivero, Kariba, Nyanga, Kyle, Chizarira, Chimanimani and others 200,00 Vehicle with seating capacity up to 9 50,00 Vehicle with seating capacity of between 10 to 19 100,00 Vehicle with seating capacity of between 20 to 25 500,00 Section 3.2 TOUR OPERATOR ANNUAL WALKING PERMIT FEES
Park Category
Resident Tour
Operator Fees
Rainforest & Mana Pools 1 000,00
Hwange & Zambezi 800,00
Gonarezhou, Matopo, and Matusadona 600,00
Chivero, Kariba, Nyanga, Kyle, Chizarira, Chimanimani
and others
3.3.1 Upper Zambezi
Tour operator’s boat cruise permit fees 2 000,00
Single decker: 0-20 seats 240,00
21-30 seats 320,00
31-40 seats 400,00
41 seats and above 480,00
Double Decker 560,00
Extra Boat Fees 1 500,00
Dinner Cruise Permit 1 000,00
Section 3.3.2 Other Cruise Permits
Kariba tour operator’s cruise permit fees 1,000,00
Kyle & Other Areas 500,00
Single decker: 0-20 80,00
21-30 seats 120,00
31-40 seats 160,00
41 seats and above 200,00
Double decker: 300,00
Section 3.3.3 Permit fees for sailing boats and yachts per annum, inclusive
of launching fees
Yachts and sailing boats Charge per annum
1-4 Licensed berths ............................................... 405,00
5-8 Licensed berths ............................................... 406,00
9-16 Licensed berths ............................................. 407,00
17-32 Licensed berths............................................. 408,003.3.4 Permit Fees for Houseboats per annum inclusive of launching
and over
KA-Company Boats 420,00 440,00 460,00 480,00 500,00 520,00
KA-Individual Boats 410,00 415,00 420,00 425,00 430,00 435,00
KF-Commercial Boats 450,00 500,00 550,00 600,00 650,00 700,00
Section 3.3.5 Permit Fees – Transporters and houseboats
US$2500/annum inclusive of launching fees for houseboats.
US$/annum inclusive of launching fees for ferries and cargo
Section 3.3.6 Permit Fees-Commercial motorised boats
US$1000,00/annum inclusive of launching fee.
Section 60- Every person who, for reward, conducts any other person who is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe on a hunting safari shall—
(a) immediately upon the conclusion of the safari, complete and sign a return in triplicate in the form set out in the Fourth Schedule, and ensure that the person who is not ordinarily resident in Zimbabwe also signs the return;
(b) within fourteen days thereafter, send the original copy of the completed form and authority to hunt to the Director at the address indicated on the form. "(4) Any person who is the appropriate author¬ity for any land, who hunts or causes or permits any person to hunt on his land, shall submit annually—
(a) a sport hunting registration form as specified in
Part I of the Fifteenth Schedule; and
(b) a hunting return form specified in Part II of the
Fifteenth Schedule.".
Section 50- Every operator of such designated tourist facilities as may be prescribed shall—
(a) keep a register in the prescribed form in which he shall record such particulars as may be prescribed of every person who uses the services of his designated tourist facility; and
(b) preserve the register referred to in paragraph (a) for such period as may be prescribed; and
(c) on demand, produce the register referred to in paragraph (a) to any designated officer, police officer or immigration officer
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Section 51(1)- If any person is aggrieved by a decision of the Board or the Chief Executive with regard to—
(a) an application for the registration of a designated tourist facility or for the renewal of its registration; or
(b) the cancellation or alteration of the registration of a designated tourist facility; or
(c) the grading of a designated tourist facility;
he may, within twenty-eight days after being notified of the decision, appeal in writing to the Minister, submitting with his appeal such fee as may be prescribed.
Section 51(2)- If any person is aggrieved by a decision of a licensing officer with regard to—
(a) an application for a licence or for the renewal of a licence; or
(b) the cancellation or alteration of a licence;
he may, within twenty-eight days after being notified of the decision, appeal in writing to the Minister, submitting with his appeal such fee as may be prescribed.
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Section 3- An application for a licence for a designated tourist facility shall be made in form L. 1.
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Section 3- An application for a licence for a designated tourist facility shall be made in form L. 1.
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Section 3- An application for a licence for a designated tourist facility shall be made in form L. 1.
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Section 47(1)- Applications for licences shall be made to a licensing officer in the prescribed form and manner and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee, if any.
Section 3(1)(extract)- An application for registration as a designated tourist facility shall be-(a) made in form D.T.F. 1; (b) accompanied by— (i) fees and charges payable for registration, licensing, inspection and other activities done in terms of this Act as may be determined by the Zimbabwe Tourism Board from time to time
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Section 47(1)- Applications for licences shall be made to a licensing officer in the prescribed form and manner and shall be accompanied by the prescribed fee, if any. Section 49(1)- If at any time a licensing officer is satisfied that the holder of a licence—
(a) is no longer qualified to hold the licence; or
(b) has been guilty of a contravention of this Act or conduct which
renders him unsuitable to hold the licence; or
(c) has failed to comply with any term or condition of the licence; the licensing officer may, by notice in writing to the holder, cancel the licence:
Provided that, before cancelling a licence, the licensing officer shall give the holder a reasonable opportunity to make representations in the matter
Section 3- An application for a licence for a designated tourist facility shall be made in form L. 1.
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Section 50- Every operator of such designated tourist facilities as may be prescribed shall—
(a) keep a register in the prescribed form in which he shall record such
particulars as may be prescribed of every person who uses the services of his
designated tourist facility; and
(b) preserve the register referred to in paragraph (a) for such period as
may be prescribed; and
(c) on demand, produce the register referred to in paragraph (a) to any
designated officer, police officer or immigration officer. Section 56(1)- The Authority may require every operator of a designated tourist facility, whether or not the facility is registered or the person is licensed, to furnish the Authority with such information and statistics in regard to—
(a) tourists, excursionists and other visitors; and
(b) domestic excursionists or tourists; and
(c) designated tourist facilities
Section 8 (extract)- Every operator of tourist or user accommodation shall keep in respect of his accommodation such records and accounts as may be necessary to show— (a) the number of guests who have resided at that accommodation in any calendar month and the amount of the levy payable in respect of each such guest;
Section 9(extract)- Every operator of tourist or user accommodation shall keep a register in form D.T.F. 5, in which he shall record the following particulars in respect of every person who is given accommodation for not less than one night in the premises of the accommodation managed by him— (a) his name; and (b) his nationality;[...]
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Section 3(1)(extract)- An application for registration as a designated tourist facility shall be-(a) made in form D.T.F. 1; (b) accompanied by— (i) fees and charges payable for registration, licensing, inspection and other activities done in terms of this Act as may be determined by the Zimbabwe Tourism Board from time to time. Section 17- A levy be payable in respect of all registered designated tourist or user facility.
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Section 3.1 TOUR OPERATORS ANNUAL GAME DRIVE PERMIT FEES Tour operator’s Game Drive permit Local Operators Charge/Annum Mana Pools & Hwange 1 000,00 Matopos 800,00 Gonarezhou, Zambezi and Matusadona 600,00 Zambezi Night Drives 1 000,00 Chivero, Kariba, Nyanga, Kyle, Chizarira, Chimanimani and others 200,00 Vehicle with seating capacity up to 9 50,00 Vehicle with seating capacity of between 10 to 19 100,00 Vehicle with seating capacity of between 20 to 25 500,00 Section 3.2 TOUR OPERATOR ANNUAL WALKING PERMIT FEES
Park Category
Resident Tour
Operator Fees
Rainforest & Mana Pools 1 000,00
Hwange & Zambezi 800,00
Gonarezhou, Matopo, and Matusadona 600,00
Chivero, Kariba, Nyanga, Kyle, Chizarira, Chimanimani
and others
3.3.1 Upper Zambezi
Tour operator’s boat cruise permit fees 2 000,00
Single decker: 0-20 seats 240,00
21-30 seats 320,00
31-40 seats 400,00
41 seats and above 480,00
Double Decker 560,00
Extra Boat Fees 1 500,00
Dinner Cruise Permit 1 000,00
Section 3.3.2 Other Cruise Permits
Kariba tour operator’s cruise permit fees 1,000,00
Kyle & Other Areas 500,00
Single decker: 0-20 80,00
21-30 seats 120,00
31-40 seats 160,00
41 seats and above 200,00
Double decker: 300,00
Section 3.3.3 Permit fees for sailing boats and yachts per annum, inclusive
of launching fees
Yachts and sailing boats Charge per annum
1-4 Licensed berths ............................................... 405,00
5-8 Licensed berths ............................................... 406,00
9-16 Licensed berths ............................................. 407,00
17-32 Licensed berths............................................. 408,003.3.4 Permit Fees for Houseboats per annum inclusive of launching
and over
KA-Company Boats 420,00 440,00 460,00 480,00 500,00 520,00
KA-Individual Boats 410,00 415,00 420,00 425,00 430,00 435,00
KF-Commercial Boats 450,00 500,00 550,00 600,00 650,00 700,00
Section 3.3.5 Permit Fees – Transporters and houseboats
US$2500/annum inclusive of launching fees for houseboats.
US$/annum inclusive of launching fees for ferries and cargo
Section 3.3.6 Permit Fees-Commercial motorised boats
US$1000,00/annum inclusive of launching fee.
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Section 10(extract)- A tour operator’s registration certificate shall be subject to the special conditions that— (a) no hunting safari for a tourist or user is a visitor to Zimbabwe shall be permitted by the tour operator unless it will be under the direct control of a professional hunter or learner professional hunter[...]
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Section 36(2)- Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment. Section 45(2)- Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level six or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment